Chapter:1 First Day

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None POV

It's been years since Mingyu left korea since his parents forced him to attend college in U.S.
He was in relationships with Tzuyu for 4 months, even though he never really care.He just dated because she's cute and adorable. So it was easy for him for him to move on. He doesn't really care about it now... For now...

Tzuyu POV

Ring ring*

I woke hearing my alarm sounding so loud in my head like siren. "I hate waking so early on first day of school".I turned off the alarm and did my morning routine.I went down stare and was greeted by my mom."morning Tzuyu how was your sleep?"asked Tzuyu's mom."Morning mom, but I'm still sleepy". "Oh c'mon Tzuyu it's your first day of school,you should be excited!" my mom said happily. "But nothing new other than class". I replied pouting."Okay eat your breakfast fast and get to school. you can't be late on your first day school."mom hurried me.

After finishing my breakfast I bid goodbye to my mom and walk to bus stop. After waiting for a few minutes the bus arrived....

I arrived school and I saw Dayhun waiting for me  at the entrance. "TZUYU!"Dahyun wave at me. I ran to her at hug her."aww I missed you so much" I said as we broke the hug "I missed you too". Dahyun replied. We walked to our classroom since we bother have same schedule.

We both walked into our classroom and sat the very back. After 5 minutes the teacher enter our room."Good morning class, nice to meet you all. You can call me Mr. Parker" He greeted us. Since today was first the of school, all we did was introduce ourselves and getting to know each.

Skip time

After the school finished I wait for Dahyun at the entrance. She showed and walked to bus stop But today she was picked up buy her boyfriend."aww sorry chewy, I promise I'll with be with your tomorrow ok." Said while frowning."Oh no it okay I can alone. Just enjoy your time."I said as she entered the car. "Thanks chewy, see you tomorrow". Ans she left. I didn't know her boyfriend's name. She said she will introduce to him to me some day.I just shrugged it off but everytime I saw them. Someone keeps popping up in my head and I miss him but I just shake my head quickly and entered the bus.......

I reached home and was greeted my parents."Oh your back so was school" Mrs.Chou. "Same as all ways".I said as I hug my dad since he just came back from work . I went to my bedroom and sitting on my bed thinking why is he still in my mine. He probably even found another girl. "Aishh" said getting rid of the thoughts. "I have to  already move on urgh".
"Tzuyu dinner is ready!". Tzuyu's mom. "Coming".I ran down stare to table and sit excitedly because it was my favorite meal.
After dinner I just went to my bed. I was thinking of calling Dayhun but I didn't, I thought she might be with her boyfriend. Even they've been together for a few months I never met him. Even though he was the same school as us. He seem like a nice guy though. I was abit envy of Dayhun when she always see them together.I missed when I was like that too but I don't where or why he left. Does he still love me?I just need confirmation off him if he move. So I can shake this thought off......

I just doze off Cuz my mind was full thought.

Sorry for boring short chapter: I'm new so please understand.

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