Chapter:3 Getting to know you

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I just found picture cute. But apology to V and tzuyu.


I already ordered a drinks ordered the drinks for them even tho Dahyun said she would treat us."Guys over here"I called waving. They all ran towards me. Dahmin sit across from me. While This girl sit next to me shyly. "Hey I said I was gonna the treating y'all" Dayhun pouted."We can go shopping"I said teasingly. "I take it back" Dayhun. "So let me introduce you two" Dayhun said Looking at me and the girl. "So Tzuyu this my boyfriend jimin, you already so no more". "And that guy beside you is Taehyung or Tae in short. Don't mind his attitude, I'm the only girl that he is friend so you know it may be awkward " Dahyun giggle."Hey! th-that not true" I stuttered shyly.
The girl beside me giggle. I look at her confusingly and slyly. She quickly stop as she notice me. "And guys she Tzuyu. She will probably your second friend as a girl" Dayhun introduce."H-Hi"I said. Ugh why am I so bad with girls I said in my head. "Hi I'm jimin" he said. "Hi thank's for being friend to me" Tzuyu replied as she was picking up the drink. Then I don't know what she thinking but she accidentally spilled the hot drinks on her laps. Started to panicked a bit so I took the tissue box and started cleaning her laps.I stopped and looked up at her.She was already red as tomatoes.I quickly back away to my sit embarrassed.why did I just do that why! but at the same I felt happy because I'd had never like this toward girls. Well other than Tzuyu and this is the second time to day that I had help her. I don't know why tho. I snapped out seeing Dayhun and Jimin look at me teasingly. "Tzuyu are you ok?. Dahyunask worriedly. "I-I'm fine and Tha-thank you" Tzuyu said still in red face. I just nodded abit.Good thing her skin was not hurt because she was wearing Jean."Wow I didn't know Taehyung was like this." Jimin said smiling."But I like it!" Jimin exclaimed. "I was just helping" I said, regaining my cold expressions. " But you never help a girl other than my Dubu and *he point Tzuyu with his eyes teasingly*. "Aishh stop it Jimin,Tzuyu with explode" she said annoyed. While Tzuyu still with her head down. Is she this shy? I questioned myself. After we just a bit and sat there for 10 more minutes silently while Dahmin was laughing and teasing each other. While me and Tzuyu didn't talk since it was awkward..

I checked my watch and it was already 7:30. Since I have to visit my father in hospital. I always leave early even when we hangout. " umm I have to go so see you later" I just walked away leaving them behind. After Jimin they nodded at me.

I arrived at hospital and went to my dad's room. Everything time I saw him laying on bed with all those machine things. I always felt so vulnerable since he was the only one I have left. My dad has been in here for the last 4 years. He only comes home like once in a while. He had heart attacks and my foolish mother made it even worst. My father love her so much that he would do anything for her to make her happy buy in the end she just left is with a mother man. With all the money. We did have a place to live but nothing else. We happy family, untill she left. I don't know why. Every time I think about it. I just get mad uncontrollably inside.
I just knew this a few years ago because my dad hide to me saying she was out for work but now I know he has been crying and hurted inside for ten years.He didn't even talk to me for weeks after she left. He kept lying to me and I just believed it since I was young. Until he had enough which eventually cause more problems to his heart. Ever since I know that I've become cold and didn't really like girl other than Dahyun. I even didn't trust her but Jimin had to explained to me that not all girl are the same. Which I hesitantly agreed. My dad told me to not ever have a girl in the house or hang out with them because he don't want me to get hurt like him.He knew about Dayhun so he was find about her. Other than that he didn't give exception. I brushed it off and walk toward the bed.

"Hi dad...

I am trying sh hard to make it long but ran out of idea. With school so 👐👐

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