Chapter: 5 Him

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Tzuyu POV

I was shocked to see him. He was still handsome and look more matured. Do he still love me tho? I thought to myself. I not even sure since he just left me without a reason. The last time saw each other, we had a bit of figh since he was hangout out with other girls but doesn't even let me talk to guys. He was abit cold and mean to me but he did show me some love. I didn't mind since I had a crush on him before he even knew me. I was always jealous since he just hangout with girls like he have no girlfriend but I just thought they're probably his friends. I trusted him....
With all this thought I just drift to sleep as soon as I shrugged my thoughts off.

Skip time

I woke feeling dizzy. I saw a figure coming and it was mom."Sweet heart your not feeling good just rest I'll talk to your teachers" Mom told me."No mom I want to go to schools, I just have cold that all" I complain. "Tzuyu I know you want to but if you don't rest you would be more sick and skip more days" Mom say in a serious way. "But mom I want to gooooo, I want to go schoooool,plus today is Friday." I whined. Mom sigh "ok if you insist,but you have to take medecin okay no but" .
"Yes" I excitedly jump off my bed and did my routine.i went down and my was already packing my stuff and getting ready to take me to school."Mom I want to go with Dayhun unnie" I whine. "No Tzuyu" she said sternly. " hmupf- fine" I gave in. "Eat your soup and take your medicine after" mom said.
I quickly finished and took the medicine. "Let's go well be late!" mom call me from the gate. "Coming!"I quickly rush to the car and got in.
I arrived at school and saw Dayhun at the entrance." Tzuyu what took you so long" she pouted. "Sorry" I said not telling her that I got cold because she would probably babysit me all day.
We got to class and jimin smiling at us.I can see that Taehyung was not here.Is it because of me trying to pay him back? I ask my self. I went up to jimin and whisper" jimin why is Taehyung not here? "
" oh I don't know but I think it personal" he said with a fake smile. Personal? I asked my self again....
.. The class just started and Mr.Parker started to go over the stuff but the door swang open and revealing Taehyung sweating and breathing heavily." Kim Taehyung why are you late again?" Mr.Parker said in serious tone."I-I am sorry sir" he said bowing to him. "It your last time I'll let you pass,next time your late you well be in detention." The teacher said sternly. "Y-yes sir" Taehyung said as he came and sat down beside me. I nervously turned to him and ask "a-a-r you o-kay?" stuttering. He just looked at me with in unexpression face.I was about ask him why he was late but the teacher interrupt."Ms.Chou are you done?". "Sorry" I Bowed.
The class was over but I barely pay attention because I started feeling dizzy again.
It was lunch so I walked in the cafeteria feeling more dizzy and eyes getting blurry. I kept walking but me leg stop and everything went black..

"Tzuyu, Tzuyu your awake" I saw my mom and Dahmin." What happened and why I am here" I asked. "Tzuyu I told you to stayed home but you insisted" my mom said. "Sorry mom" I said. "It okay, your here already so it fine." Mom replied. "I'll be leaving okay but you have to stay here a few more hours than I'll pick you up" mom kissed my forehead and went out. Dayhun and jimin sit closer to my bed."Tzuyu we were so worried" Dayhun said. "Sorry but how did I get here?" I asked them and they smirk. "Yah!!" I yelled at them.They stop and said" You fainted int he cafeteria" Dayhun said."Then?" I said curiously. "Um Taehyung saw you so he caught you and carried you here"said jimin. My eyes widened and think he really did that?. "Where is he? I should thank him back"I said. "No" jimin said serious. "Why?" I asked him."just don't" he said. I just sit there clenching my fists.I don"t know why but anger just took me and just blurted."why you want me to just always be like this and just ignore him like that?!!" I yelled, making them flinch. They just looked down. "Sorry" I said and get off my bed. "Where you going?" Dahyun ask. "Just need to walked" I said and saw she was trying to followed but jimin stop her. I just kept walking to near by park. I walked up closer and saw a figure sitting in one of the bench. I quickly hide behind the tree and saw he that it was "HIM".
I was about approach but I stopped. I notice that he had tears rolling down on his cheeks. I got the courage and walk up to him.
"Ta-Taehyung are you okay" I asked him. He quickly wiped his tears and act like nothing happened. "Wh-why are you here, shouldn't you be resting?" He said."umm th-thank you for help9ng me again, so I was-" I was cut by him saying "Didn't I told you not to thank me" he said sternly. I can't take it. He kept denying.I am not short temper but it too much. "Why! Why! Did help me then huh!. If you dont like someone thanking you!!. Then why you help!!?. I yelled in anger. "If you don't like my thank then don't care to help me again!!" I yelled again. Luckily the park was empty other than us. He just sat there looking at the ground. I just stood up and tried to walk away but he caught my wrist. I looked at him angrily and curiously. "What?" I said sternly. I can see that he was trying to speak but he couldn't. He has tears but I just looked away not wanting to look and him.not because I hate him because I just don't want to look at him crying. I don't know why?. "I have to go" I said removing his hand from my wrist and walked away. I felt guilty that I yelled at him.I was supposed to be thanking him and he was in bad timing too. I was supposed to comfort but I just couldn't take why he avoided my thank. I just walked back to my room and froze.


I made it a bit longer so hope yall like it. I know it boring but I'm trying 👐👐😔😃

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