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❝ — And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much older than me
She's everything I'm insecure about.❞

(a/n - i know Stacey is younger, but, lets forget that-)

Kristy was Sam's younger sister, and we had always been close. I'd promised her I'd join her club, and be the official 'driver' when I got my license.

I was at one of the meetings. When things I couldn't explain began to bubble up inside me.

"Okay, so there's this snake called the shuai-jan, and if you hit the shuai-jan in the head, its tail will attack you. If you strike the tail, its head will attack you, and if you strike it in the middle, both sides will attack you!" Kristy said, speaking with utmost confidence, her hands throwing exaggerated punches in the air everywhere.

"What?" Mary Anne asked, confused by Kristy's metaphorical speech.

"It's from the Art of War. Keep up."

Mary Anne rolled her eyes and the others smiled a little. Kristy would always be Kristy.

"Okay, so the agency is moving in on our turf, and we need a new plan. We can't lose this club, it's the best idea I've ever had."

"It's practically the only reason my dad lets me leave the house." Mary Anne nodded in agreement.

"I've grown accustomed to a certain quality of life. Sable paintbrushes..." Claudia mumbled dreamily.

I laughed lightly before realising another person had entered the room. "Hey Dummy? Do we have any soda?"

❝ — Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
'cause how could I ever love someone else?❞

I picked up my phone from beside me and started scrolling through Instagram. I pretended to be very interested in the stupid cat meme that appeared all over my for you page, but really, the only thing I was focused on was Sam.

"I don't know. Check the fridge. I'm not your butler." Kristy scoffed, but then looked at me. She knew very well I wasn't fine. 

"Check this out." Sam said, strumming a few notes on his guitar. I recognised those notes anywhere. It was the first few notes he had learnt, and had strummed random love songs to. For me, at the time.

❝ — And I know we weren't perfect
'but I've never felt this way for no one.❞

My vision went cloudy as tears filled my eyes, but I looked down, blinking them back, hard and fast. 

"Hi!" Stacey, Kristy's new friend, said to Sam. 

"Hey." he said, looking back at her then the guitar. It was infuriating how unbothered he was with my presence in the room. But it was safe to say he'd definitely gotten over me. He didn't care. 

❝ — And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone.
I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me.❞

"Sam, this is my friend Stacey. And Stacey, this is my brother, Sam." she scoffed at him, and he gave her a look. 

"where have you been keeping him." Stacey mumbled in a dreamy state of mind. She was obviously smitten with him. I wanted to stomp out the room right then. But I realised something. why? Why did I care if Stacey liked Sam? Did it bother me that the glint in his eye just proved he was glad about it? 

Why did I feel this rage. Not at Stacey. Not at Sam. None of them yet both of them at the same time? 

At that moment, I knew what I was feeling was envy, and it made me sick, inside and out.

"Kristy I've got to go." I told her quickly. I grabbed my phone and my backpack, and got up. Kristy looked at me with sad eyes and nodded. She knew.

I pushed myself past Sam and walked outside, as tears began to fall faster, I couldn't hold them in anymore.  This was my cue to run, because I knew I wasn't going to let Sam Thomas see me cry. 

❝ — You said forever,
now I drive alone past your street.❞

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