Bullying Pt 1.

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Tzuyu is foreign in her school since she enroll late is in another section away from Chaeyoung , as per Dahyun as being older than her she in final year . Usually they meet during their break and have lunch together they always make sure to be careful about tzuyu to not be bullied or get hurt but sometimes due to their classes or friends lead them to left tzuyu on her own . From past few days she being bullied by saeyoung who is half Korean and half Australian she's a year older than tzuyu she along with her friends bully her even she's member of  a K-pop group . 

Saeyoung don't like tzuyu cause she's admire by others than her , before tzuyu enroll here she's the apple of everyone's eyes . till then tzuyu came in . She hate to admit that tzuyu is much prettier than her . And all of comparison she bully her . She even threat tzuyu to not to tell about her to teachers or anyone else she going to hurt her more than she imaging which let tzuyu to shut her mouth and not to share it with her members and family . 

Today Twice members prepare lunch for their maknae Since Dahyun and Chaeyoung were busy with their schedules for their upcoming comeback Tzuyu have to go school on her own . Whole Unnie line wake early to prepare lunch they pack food and put on the living room . Soon tzuyu came out in her school uniform she wore her shoes soon Jeongyeon came up and give her lunch box and ruffle tzuyu hair slowly to not ruin her hairs . 

Tzuyu scared cause she's going face Saeyoung and her friends alone since dubchae is absent today it's make her more worry . As class ended it's lunch time tzuyu decided to eat lunch alone in her class  as she open box she saw her favorite food in it a smile formed on her face when she saw ketchup as well and dahyun's favorite chocolate along with strawberry milk and some jelly . She about to eat when Saeyoung came up .

Saeyoung : Well well seems like someone having nice meal today huh? and i'm not invited to join in . She walk closer to tzuyu . 

Tzuyu don't say anything she look down at her lunch which cause Saeyoung to get annoyed . Saeyoung took tzuyu lunch which cause tzuyu to look at her . Saeyoung smirk at her and eat her lunch .

Saeyoung : Yuck it's taste rubbish like garbage who made this ? your useless unnies ? ( It hurts me to write bad about them i prefer to die than saying bad and negative things about them . I swear if i was their she's no longer alive  and i'm in criminal record data how dare she ? anyways continue  reading .).

These words lead tzuyu boil her blood she stand up to held her collar she about held but someone stop her she look at the person it's saeyoung's friend . Saeyoung smirk wide she know she get on her  nerve . 

Saeyoung : oh look like this ugly dog was about to bite me how poor .. How you choose to be in group your not even worth to be you are hole in group which can't be filled . 

Tzuyu listen enough she want to take action but she can't . She saw Saeyoung move towards dustbin and smile at her first and throw whole food in dustbin . 

Tzuyu : No why you do that ? 

Saeyoung : Because a ugly B**ch like you don't deserve it . 

Tzuyu : What did you said ? And tighten her knuckle . 

Saeyoung laugh devilish : Don't you hear me ? what i said i mean it Chou Tzuyu .  You don't deserve it . You don't deserve to be in group to be loved by others only you deserve to die an ugly person like meant it . And throw empty box at her which hit her head and let her bleeding .

Saeyoung walk towards her and slap her which let tzuyu to feel more pain . Saeyoung had enough fun today she laugh at her again and leave classroom along with her friends . Soon she leave tzuyu start sobbing silently she feel bad about lunch who made by unnies , and pain she feeling she want to cry and scream loudly the pain she feeling past few weeks is unbearable but she can't do anything about it.  She don't bring money to buy food she close lunch box and put in her bag she found strawberry milk she drank it and walk to nurse office to treat her wound after treatment she came back to her sit and attain her classes . 

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