Chapter 6 - The tournament

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I am gracing yall with this photo wow

I woke up to a face with messy fire red hair all over it. I start to lightly brush it back.

"Good morning, love" Ron says in that morning voice that I can't resist.

"Good morning" I say back "what time is it?"

"6, your lucky Harry isn't awake yet so you can sneak out." He said with a relived tone. 

"Oh no" i said realising something

"What?" Ron said nervously

"Hermione wakes up every morning at 5:30 to read before getting breakfast and going to classes." I said cringing because I have to face her and come up with an excuse.

"Just carry on with your day and tell her you woke up really early so you just decided to get ready."

"Good idea" I said with a slight laugh

"I know" he said sarcastically but at the same time serious.

"I have to have a shower" I said after a few moments of silence.

"Same" he said with a smirk "mind if I join? I mean we do have a free first period." He said hopefully.

I put my fingers on my chin pretending to think "hmm I don't know about that one"

"Pretty please?" He said pouting

I sighed and said "fine"

He let out an excited squeak as we both carefully and quietly out of bed, careful not to be caught by his dorm mates.

⚠️start of smut⚠️— skip ahead if your not comfortable  <3

Once we get to the showers we start to undress.

Ron gets in first and turns the water on while he's still stepping in.

After a second I hop in after him.

I grab my sponge and start to put shower get on it and wash my body. He just stands there mesmerised by me.

"Your so hot y/n" he said while grabbing my throat and starting to kiss me slowly.

In between kisses we both let out breaths until I finally manage to say "I know." And that was the last straw for him. He pinned me against the shower wall and started kissing me again but this time more rough and hungry.

All of a sudden he turned me round and bent me over.

"This okay, love?" He asked

"More than okay, Ronald" he loves it when I called him Ronald during sex I started to notice.

He then pushed into me causing both of us to grunt.

He starts off slow, teasing me.

"Fuck- Ronald go faster." I begged

He pick up the pace with one hand on the wall and one on the back off my neck to keep me steady. While both of my hands were leaned against the wall.

"Fuck y/n I'm close." He moaned

"Me too" I said quickly struggling to get the words out.

His pace got sloppier as we both finished together.

I continued to wash myself but Ron insisted on taking over so I let him and I did the same to him.

—⚠️end of smut⚠️—

Once we were finished we snuck back up to our dorms because our dorm mates would of seen if we went together.

"Hey 'mione"

"He y/n" she said without looking up from her book. "That was a long shower you had" she said casually.

"Oh well" I began to stutter. "I was just stressed you know, wanted to relax a bit."

"Okay. Well once you get changed we should make our way down to breakfast."

Me and 'mione walk down the stairs to meet the boys in the common room and Harry is looking very angry.

"Why are you so mad?" Hermione said.

"Because. y/n got sooo drunk last night." He said rolling his eyes.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Oh merlin Harry your not my keeper. Stop treating me like a 12 year old." I said frustrated.

"Can we go now, I'm starving." Ron groaned.

We all hurried to the great hall to get breakfast.

"Children." Dumbledore began "I have an announcement to make."

Ron sighed because he just wanted to eat and whispered "bloody hell!"

We both laughed but Hermione shushed us.

"Hogwarts will not only be your home this year. But you will be sharing it, with two other schools."

Everyone groaned but i was quite excited.

"Please welcome Beauxbatons Academy of Magic."

As Dumbledore said that in came a group of girls with light blue dresses and hats that matched.

They walked in beautifully and all of the boys eyes were stuck in them.

Hermione whispered to me "they're part veela."

"Part what now?" I asked confused

"The definition is they have the ability to drive men uncontrollably wild" she said back

"What like want them?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

We were interrupted by Dumbledore speaking again "and also please welcome Durmstrang Institute"

In walked tall men striding together in sync all wearing red suits with strips of gold and black everywhere.

"You may wonder why we are sharing our home this year. Well this is because we have been left with the honour of hosting the triwizard  tournament. "

Some people cheered, some gave looks of worry and some had no idea what he was talking about.

"This contest is very dangerous therefore, for your safety, only people who are the age of 17 and u-"

He was interrupted by boos and shouting

"That's rubbish"


"You don't know what your doing"

Once Dumbledore had calmed everyone down he said "oh, and before we eat I must say, due to the right space right now we will have to have people sharing dorms. So when you go back to your common rooms you will be told. And with that, dig in!"

As he said that food came down on to the table and we all started to eat

"I better not be put in the same dorm as you two" I said pointing at Harry and Ron

"Yeah same" Hermione said laughing.
"That would never happen"

And it did

Words: 1099
Hey guys, i got motivated to write this chapter because my consistent readers went from 1 person to 4-6 in only a few days. This might not seem a lot to some people but I thought that no one would even think about pressing on this book. So thank you so much for your time and now that I know I have viewers I will post as much as possible. Once again I am so great fyp for you guys and love all 4-6 of you lol🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

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