Lonely Place

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I am standing amidst of lonely place;
I called it lonely,I can't see humanity

I heard so many voices and I cannot name the exact emotions on that different voices.

I looked at the old man who's beseeching for help, seems no one cares.

His eyes are so weary;his voice are shaking,even his hands are shaking of voracious

I looked at the other side;I saw a young boy who's screaming at the top of his lungs and I can feel how pain it is.

The small veins on his neck are already popping out,as if they have a door to exit.

I saw an elegant woman;her expensive perfume  are envading on my nostrils.

Some people stunned for a moment; after a second back into their own business.

I heard someone speaking about salvation;
I roamed my eyes without body moving.

I saw him;and it saddened me because no one even dared to listen his preaching.

The vendors are fighting because  they wanted their items to get bought.

Different voices I heard
Different tears I saw
Different  redolence I smell
Different feeling I feel

Merely,its only take one word to describe:

The place was huge;I can't see a peaceful and happy faces.
I called this place a "Lonely Place".
Many people, but  souls are lonely.


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