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Yamaguchi's P

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Yamaguchi's P.O.V

After Y/n left for the second time I ran to my room and opened the door, looking at Tsukki. "Please tell me you were able to do that before he came back for it." He nodded. Thank god. I was worried about it. If Y/n had taken that to the police, they would've tracked Tsukki and both of us would've been caught.

"Hey Tsukki..." He looked up from my bed, he was on his phone. I looked at him and wrung my hands. "Do you think what we did last night was wrong? I mean he was sleeping. And it was our fault he was sleeping so deeply. And so technically he didn't give consent. And since we made him.. You know.. Without consent doesn't that mean we kind of.. Raped him?" I looked up and Tsukishima was smiling.

"Well Yamaguchi, when he woke up he didn't say anything about us holding him, right? If you were to wake up in someone's arms would you assume you had done something with them the night before, even if you didn't remember it?" I nodded and he nodded back.

"So since Y/n didn't say anything, technically he could have known and didn't object. So no. We didn't. Until Y/n outright says no, it's not wrong." I nodded. I wasn't sure that was true, but Tsukki never lied to me, and besides, I wanted Y/n so badly it hurt.

(A/N: I don't usually have an author's note in the middle of a chapter, I usually wait until the end, I just want to say that unless you say "yes" you have not given consent. Rape is a serious topic and I do not mean to make light of it, nor do I agree with the words I just wrote, I just wanted to throw this out there in case there was any misunderstanding of any sort. Tsukishima will continue to make remarks like this because it's yandere but please do not feel it's true. I'm sorry for the interruption, just wanted to throw that out there.)

I walked over to him and looked down at his phone, he was scrolling through pictures of Y/n from last night. Tsukki had taken pictures of every single one of Y/n's body parts. And he was looking at them now. I could tell he was horny too. But he didn't touch himself, he just looked at the pictures.

"Are you gonna masturbate? Cause if you are, I'm leaving." Tsukki glared at me.

"No, the next time I do anything like that, I want it to be with Y/n. I want him to see it. I want him to make me cum. I want it to be him. Whether he's aware of it or not."

I nodded, it made sense. I sat down next to him and looked up at the ceiling. "Can you send me those? You never did." He made a sound of agreement and soon after my phone started dinging. I didn't realize just how many pictures and videos he took last night. But it was well worth it.

I stood up and grabbed my phone and jacket, heading out the room and walking to the door. "I'm going to get more Benadryl, find a way to get him over here tonight please!" I shouted as I walked out of the door.

I began my journey to the drugstore, humming as I did. I pulled my phone out and looked at the pictures Tsukishima had sent me. They made me so happy, I loved seeing Y/n so vulnerable. I smiled at them and put my phone away, not wanting anyone to see me looking at things like that on my way to the store.

When I got to the store I went straight to the allergy relief aisle and began looking for Benadryl. I found it, and began walking to the cash register, a little upset that I couldn't find a bigger bottle. I got to the cash register and saw Hinata. He was behind the counter, I didn't know he worked here. I walked up and placed the bottle of Benadryl on the counter and smiled at him.

He smiled back and ran it under the scanner, and then yawned, handing me the bottle. "¥227.99." I nodded and handed him the money, grabbing the bottle off the counter and walking out of the store.

I began walking home and thought about the fact that I didn't know Hinata worked at the drugstore. Did he tell the team about it and I just wasn't listening? No, he must've just started working there. It didn't matter, he was dumb anyways, and so obsessed with volleyball he doesn't have tome to think about anything else. So he would be all tied up with that by now.

I walked into my house and took my shoes off, walking to my room and sitting down on the bed, throwing the bottle next to me and looking at Tsukishima. "Did you know Hinata works at the drugstore?" He shook his head no and sighed, looking up.

"No, but it doesn't really matter, our problem right now is convincing Y/n to stay the night here again." I hummed and thought for a moment.

"Aren't Y/n and Hinata really good friends?" Tsukishima nodded.

"Hinata is about the same size as Y/n, so we could invite them over for a sleepover, and just drug both of them, so then neither of them would know." Tsukki looked up at me and smiled.

"Yamaguchi, you're getting a little evil."

"Oh can it, we've been doing illegal shit for awhile now, and most of it was your idea." He laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, that's true."

(A/N: Ayo, shit's changed :))

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