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Yamaguchi's P.O.V

I left the locker room and ran over to Sasuke, taking a seat and pulling my phone out quickly, telling Tsukki the good news.

Dino Freak

Tsukki! Great news! I just got us another ticket!
7:00 am

How did you do that?
7:00 am

You didn't stick to the plan, did you?
7:01 am

No... But I think you're gonna like what I've done!
7:02 am

What did you do? You didn't tell him we took the videos, did you? That could destroy us, Yamaguchi.
7:02 am

No, he thanked me for standing up for him and I told him that you're the one that reminded me he was dating Nishinoya, so now he thinks you're also a good guy too. And he wants to meet you, so now he's going to be leaning on both of us for support instead of just me.
7:03 am

Tsukki didn't answer for a while, I looked up and Y/n was still looking at his phone. I sighed and smiled before I heard another ping.

Dino Freak

I'm happy and worried, I'm happy because this plays into our hands perfectly but I'm worried because I can't give him my phone number Yams. We'll get caught if that happens.
7:10 am

I have an extra phone you can use, Only use the phone for texting Y/n on it and it should be fine, it's my mom's old phone. I took it before she could throw it away because I wanted to take it apart but I never got around to it, so you can have it.
7:10 am

Ok, did you give him your number yet?
7:11 am

No, I was waiting for your say so, I'll go give it to him now and you guys can meet at lunch today. Since we eat on the rooftop anyway.
7:12 am

Alright, I expect him to be sitting with us Yamaguchi, don't get my hopes up for nothing.
7:12 am

I put my phone away and walked over to Y/n, tapping his shoulder and fixing a soft smile on my face before he turned around. As he did I could see his eyes were puffy, he'd probably kept crying after I left the locker room. Poor thing.

"Hey, Y/n. I was gonna give you my number so you could maybe sit with us at lunch today? I don't know where you usually sit but you're welcome with us if you want." I saw him pause for a moment before smiling weakly.

"Yeah, that'd actually be nice. Thanks, Yamaguchi." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me, his wallpaper was the Cheshire cat's face, it was cute. I put my number on it and gave him his phone back. He smiled again as he took it and I walked out of the track gym, walking back to my own gym for volleyball practice. I met up with Tsukki immediately.

"Did you get everything done that was needed?" I nodded and so did he, only he let out a sigh as well. "Yamaguchi that was risky as hell. Don't do something like that again without telling me first, you could've ruined the whole thing just now."

"Sorry, Tsukki. I won't do it again, I just thought it would be nice to get you in goods with him too, you know?"

He smiled softly and chuckled; "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. But I swear it scared me at first." He let out another sigh and both our heads snapped up when Nishinoya entered.

His whole face was red and his eyes were puffy to the point of almost being closed. Kiyoko was nowhere to be found either. Tsukki giggled as he saw Nishinoya and nudged me.

"Oh look, the little thief is crying." I laughed too, shaking my head and going to grab the balls out of the closet.

That's what you get for overstepping, Nishinoya.

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