Chapter One

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Walking out of the car I am immediately greeted by the cold winter breeze which makes me shutter. Looking around I see the school that I will be staying at for the next three year. Huge was an understatement. This place was gigantic something that i'm not used to.

"Hunny are you sure your going to be alright here, I mean its going to break my heart not seeing you everyday" mum said worriedly. My mum has always been like that worrying and trying to protect me from the 'dangers of the world'. Well ever since that time i nearly choked on a lollipop. 

Stupid? I know. Can't blame her though, I love her unconditionally.  

I rolled my eyes "Mum stop being so melodramatic! Of course I am going to be fine. It's not like you're never going to see me again"

"I wish that was true" my brother Mitch said while taking my suitcase out of the trunk. 

I glared at him.

"What?" he said slyly

 "I swear to god Mitch I will come and murder you when you're sleeping!"  He just poked his tongue at me in return.

Very mature. Sometimes I wonder how we're even related; maybe he got swapped at birth or something.

"That's enough you two; can't you guys behave like normal siblings for once?" My dad stated

"Well I am normal. But I don't know about Elise over there" Mitch said pointing at me

"Haha very funny... NOT" I shot back

We walked into the front entrance and were immediately greeted by the smell of cinnamon. My stomach grumbled at the thought of cinnamon rolls.


"May I help you?" we turned around to face a very short lady with thick glasses sitting by the desk. She must be the Receptionist. 

"Hi, Yes I'm Elise Lambert and I just wanted to know where my dorm room is located  and can I get my keys

"Let me just have a look on my computer" she said giving me a warm smile.I looked around the medium sized room. The walls where  brown, there was a brown couch in the middle probably for the people to sit on while they waited and with a coffee table scattered with a variety magazines . Overall this room send a very comforting vibe.

 "Ah yes, your dorm room number 12A and it located on that side of the campus" she said pointing to the door on the left.

"Okay cool thanks" I said, clearly expecting her to show me, but to my surprise  she started to  continued on with her work. Obviously trying to ignore our existence.

She went 0 to a 100 real quick.





We quickly stopped and  I took out my keys and unlocked the door. Stepping inside the medium sized room I immediately  noticed that the room was divided in half. There was a single sized bed with a desk beside it and a small closet to go along with it. The dorm room was empty so I'm guessing that my dorm room mate isn't here at.  I placed my things that I was carrying on the right side bed which was next to the door. And looked around while my parents and brother was bringing in the rest of my things.  There was other door on my side which lead to a modern bathroom.

Very impressive

"There you go sweety, all done" said mum putting the last suitcase on my bed, not that there was much.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much!, but don't worry I will come and visit as soon as i can" I said hugging my parents.By now my mum was shedding tears, she was the emotional type.

"Now remember love why your here for, your trying to create a brighter future for yourself don't let and distractions stop this from happening, you've come so far you can do this" said dad hugging me back

Nothing like my good old dads motivational speech

My brother suddenly walks up and gives me a hug which of course startled me a bit. He was never a huger. Maybe he's changed his behavior towards me.

"Try not to miss me to much"

Okay maybe not

We said our final goodbyes, which was basically me consenting my mum that I was going to be okay. They finally believed me and left shutting the door quietly behind them. 

I wiped away a tear.

I sighed debating  whether to put everything away or go to sleep. Eventually sleep took it's told. It has been a very long and exhausting day.But one thing crossed my mind before i fell asleep. 

I hope my roommates nice.

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