Chapter Two

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Hope yous guys Like it! love you all xD


I jolted up right “WHAT THE FUCK?! WHAT HAPPENED?!?! WHO DIED!?” I screamed while looking around.

My eyes landed on the bed opposite me and there stood the culprit snickering at me. A blonde haired guy with bright blue eyes was staring back at me.

Wait... what?

“Excuse me what are you doing here?” I asked

“You look hot in them shorts" he said winking at me.

What the hell! He breaks into my room and then flirts with me, who the fuck does he think he is? Freaking Obama?!

“Um excuse me? Who are you and what are you doing in my room?”

“The names Ryan and babes as you can see I am your new room buddy he said pointing towards his suitcase.

Oh just fucking great. I have a freaking asshole as my roommate just great... just great..

Ryan laughed at my sour expression. “Don’t worry I am leaving now”

What an assho- wait.. what?

“What do you mean?” I asked, He laughed

“What I mean is that I am leaving this school”

“But why?” I asked

“Because I hate school” he said simply “But the school hasn’t even started yet and what about your parents?” I said, now disgusted by his lack of enthusiasm towards school.

“You see baby doll...”

Baby doll? What the actual

“This was my plan all along my parents will think I am in school while actually I will be out partying and getting laid”

I rolled my eyes “ hmm whatever as long as I don’t have to see your face everyday" 

He started laughing again “ you're funny”

“And you're funny looking" I murmured.

“I am hot and you know it” he replied winking at me

“And not to mention cocky as well” I shot back.

“Oh well it was nice to meet you babes,”

I stared at him open mouthed as he grabbed his suitcase and walked out the door, but not before giving me a wink. I scowled in return. What a jerk.

After that 'commotion' I decided to explore the whole campus and see where all my classes are located, after all I didn’t want to get late on the first day. I quickly got of my bed and made my way to the shower as I felt very disgusting. Turning on the shower I quickly hopped in and was greeted by the warm flowing water. It was so relaxing. After an hour of hot peaceful shower I decided to get out as it was getting late beside I think I slept for like 3 hours. I quickly got dressed into a pair of leggings, my favourite adventure time sweater. Don’t judge. I love adventure time! And a scarf with combat boots, since it’s a colder weather. I don’t wear much makeup, but usually it just consists of mascara, eye liner and a little bit of lip-gloss then I quickly tied my brunette hair in to a high ponytail, and with that I locked my door and start walking upwards into a hallway. Well I was walking until I banged into someone’s hard chest and fall on the floor. Embarrassing much?

“I am so sorr-“ Looking up I stopped talking and looked at the most beautiful guy in the world. Well the most good looking guy that I have ever met in my life. He had brown hair and brown hazel eyes and pink kissable lips. He was seriously god’s gift. I wanted to take him right there and then. Dammnnn.

“Watch where you’re going!” he said in his deep and sexy voice

Wait.. What?..

Did he just..


“Excuse me? If I am wrong YOU were the one that bumped into me!” I spat angrily at him. He seemed taken back at what I just said. “Do you even know who you are taking to?”

“Yes a freaking human being who should not be differentiated between other human beings!”

He paused for a minute, hatred and anger written all over his sexy face. “You’re such stupid little slut who doesn’t have the morals to apologize!”

That did it.

“Dude how dare you judge me like that! You don’t even know me! So shut the hell up. You little piece of shit!. I hate guys like you, who think that they are better than everyone else, but bruh let me break it out to you. YOU’RE NOT” I walked right up to him invading his 'personal bubble'. "PLUS YOU’RE A DICK” and then I kneed him where the sun don't shine.

“Grasp your ears firmly and pull; you might just be able to remove your head from your ass”. And with that I turned around and walked away like a boss. Leaving him groaning on the ground. That’s what he gets for messing with me. Stupid Jerk.

Hehe go Elise! I really enjoyed writing this chapter! xD What do you guys thing? Do you guys like it? Whats gonna happen next?  Something exciting for sure!  Comment. Like. Share. 

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