Chapter Four

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There stood the arrogant bastard that I bumped into before; he was mirroring my confused and angry expression.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" He asked

"What do you mean? This is my room, not yours so get out!" I said pointing to the door

"Um excuse me stupid little girl, this is my room!"

"No it isn't and anyways I had a roommate so this possibly can't be your room!" I smirked knowing that I was right.

"Yeah well I talked to the receptionist and she said this was my room!" he exclaimed

"No it is not, I talked to her too and she said this was my room!"

"Fine then let's go talk to her then!" He stated angrily. Stomping his way out of the room and might I add slamming the door shut in my face!

Both HIM and I were shocked with what we were hearing.

"Look guys, I am very sorry about this but Chris you came in the last moment and I didn't have any idea that you were arriving and I couldn't really book an dorm room for you in the last minute as all of them where full, but then I found out that Ryan was suddenly leaving for god knows what reason," she frowned "so I booked you his original room" she finished.

Oh so he's the great O'mighty Chris. That chick.. What was her name... oh that's right Tiffany was going on about. Hmm whatever. Until the realisation of what the receptionist said sinked in.



I couldn't believe my ears. I, Elise Lambert was going to be living in the same room as the douchebag sitting beside me for the next three years! I looked at his expression and suddenly the realisation hit him as well.

"OH HELL NAW!" we both screamed at the same time. The receptionist whose name I figured out was Olivia was startled by our outburst.

"Please guys, sit down" she begged

"ARE YOU SAYING THAT I HAVE TO STAY WITH HER FOR THE REST MY SCHOOL YEARS!?!" he asked pointing at me with disgust. "SHE WILL MOST LIKELY KILL ME WHEN I AM SLEEPING, SHE IS A CRAZY LUNATIC!" He continued. I was boiling with rage at this point.


"YOU LITTLE BI-"he was cut off by Olivia.

"CHRIS, ELISE! There is no need for that type of language! Sit down, or for heaven's sake I will sit on both of you myself "She warned. The douge and I slowly turned towards her and sat down; we both moved our chairs as far apart from each other as humanly possible. Glaring at each other in the process. That was until Olivia told us to grow up and move the chairs back to where they were before.


She smiled "So now that you guys have stopped behaving like little kids, can someone please explain to me, why you guys hate each on the first day here"

"She kneed me in my balls!" Chris accused

"Well I wouldn't have if you didn't call me NAMES!" I fired back empathising the word NAMES

"Well it was your fault for bumping into me"

"IT WAS A MISTAKE OKAY?" By now we were standing face to face again. His face looked like he could kill a bitch.

"Um hum, that's it, sit down, now!" Olivia said while standing up. It was our turned to be shocked by her outburst. We quickly sat down again. She quickly regained her calm posture.

"Okay so I get that you guys don't partially like each other, but you guys have to try to get along not just for the sake of your self's but for the rest of the students here" She plead. I looked away feeling slightly guilty for god knows what reason.

"Please Elise, I thought you are supposed to be the genius here, after all you did get a scholarship into this school" she begged. I looked over at the senseless person and smirked at the offended expression on his face.

"Argh, Fine I guess" I groaned

"Um hello excuse me, Miss Olivia, but why does she need persuading to stand me? If anyone who you should be persuading is me!"

I rolled my eyes and so did "Miss" Olivia. I laughed a little inside with my joke. Ahh I am truly a genius.

"Now Chris, we all know that you don't listen to anyone so why bother trying" she said

I chuckled a bit. Chris gave me the "shut up before I kill you" look which I instantly replied with a smug look.

Chris looked at Miss Olivia and sighed

"Argh! Fine whatever, but I am letting you know that I don't like you" he said pointing at me

"Same here" I replied in a cheerleaders voice. Earning another glare from him.

"Phew, boy am I glad that, that's over!" exclaimed Miss Olivia "Now come on shake each other's hand and go back to your room. She said cheerily. We just stared at her, not speaking a word.

Looking at him I want to gag, now I have to touch him? I think I am going to puke. Hmm maybe I could puke all over him. I grinned evilly at that thought. He was looking carefully. Then he reached out his hand, with a tight smile. I did the same. We whispered quietly to each other so Miss Olivia couldn't hear.

"I hate you"

"I hate you too"

I may be a nerd, but I am not one of those nerds that you can pick around. If he wants to play games then so be it.

Two can play this game.

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