17. That Incident

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Taeyong was ready for bed when he saw a news about Ten.
WayV were at Gimpo Airport after having a schedule in Jeju.
Despite of the pandemics, there were still crowd waiting for WayV.

Taeyong got anxious when he saw a clip showing Ten fell.
He immediately dialled his number.

: Hi, hyung.
: Ten, are you alright?
    What happened?
: Yes. I'm fine. I just fell.
     It was so crowded there.
: Are you hurt?
: No, don't worry, hyung.
: Why did you walk alone?
: I just.... I don't know.
    It happened so fast.
: Are you sure you're ok? Not injured?
: Hyung, I'm fine. I'm okay. I'm good.
: Should I come?
: No. Don't. You still have to recover.
    Don't worry about me.
: Be more careful next time, will you?
: Ay ay captain!
: If anything happen, tell me. Ok?
: Yes. I will.
: I wish I were there to protect you.
: Yeah, you wouldn't let that happen.
   That's why I feel safe around you.
   I miss you already.
: I miss you, too baby.
    We'll, get some rest. I love you.
: I know. I love you, too.

Ten, stay safe.
I hope you are alright.
Please, protect WayV.

I still can't figure out why there were so many people at the airport.😡 Hello??? The pandemics isn't over yet😖

😡 Hello??? The pandemics isn't over yet😖

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Ten and WayV at Gimpo Airport

Ten and WayV at Gimpo Airport

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Ten fell 😭

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