9. Ride or Drive?

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Ten and  Taeyong are on their bed and having conversation.

It's a routine for them to update their daily activities, since they work at different places.

Until they come to one particular topic.

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: Bby, I think you should learn how to drive.
: Why?
: We have two cars, but we only use one.
: But I love going anywhere with you.
: I know... Still I think you should learn.
: Don't you know that I can ride and drive?
: Do you?
: Hm hm...

(Ten pushed Taeyong so he laid on his back. Then, Ten straddled him.)

: What are you doing?
: Showing you that I can ride and drive.
: In this position?
: Yes. Because I will show you how good I can
        ride you and drive you crazy.
: Oh. Show me, then.
: My pleasure.


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