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Me and Amy were chilling in the common room, when I sensed someone staring at us above our heads.

"Hi uhm Rosaleene and Amy", Harry Potter was standing in front of us , with Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger by his side. He cut his hair since last year, and it really suited him.

"Hi guys, what's going on?" I asked and they both looked each other nervous.

We maybe say a hello to each other, but we have never spoke about something else, so this seemed important.

"We need to talk to you, about something" Hermione said and I nodded slowly.

"Okay, go for it" I encouraged them and Harry took a deep breath.

"As you know, last year I faced You Know Who" he said and I felt my blood freezing.

The whole situation with Voldermort was something that really terrified me, and it kept me awake a lot of nights. Some people believe that he never came back, but that's bullshit. That's how we lost Cedric Diggory last year.

"Yes, we do know. And we both believe you" Amy said for both of us and I nodded, ensuring him.

"Thank you", he breathed, "but we are actually building an army. To fight against Voldermort" he continued and I wide opened my eyes.

"What?" I asked shocked, "How?".

"In the Room Of Requirement, we have the right equipment. We want you to participate" he said and I looked at Amy who was already looking at me.

"Harry, I am a Head Girl. I- this is not right" I said stressed and he exhaled.

"That's why we need you, to cover us" he explained and I bit my lips.

"Look, I won't promise you that I will join you. But I promise to cover you, and be with you whenever you need me" I said and he smiled relieved.

"Whenever I can, I will come to practice, but I will be busy mostly with the whole study and Head Girl stuff" I explained and he let out a big breath. He turned towards Amy, waiting for her answer.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I will join!" she said with excitement and Hermione clapped her hands cheering.

"Great, thank you so much. But no one needs to find out, it is going to be a secret. Especially the Slytherins" he said emphasizing his words and we nodded understanding.

"Why do you want to build a secret army? I mean, isn't the school teaching us enough stuff?" Amy asked curious.

"The Ministry is taking over school, but without us noticing. First, they will come weekly as inspectors. Then we assume that they will bring new teachers and we must be prepared" he explained and I nodded amazed. That was really impressive.

"You can rely on us, Harry. Your secret is also safe" I said and he smiled, thanking me.


"Did McGonagal taught you how to transform your self into a turtle? Because that's how fucking slow you are going" Jhon said next to me and I rolled my eyes.

"You could have sent me an owl earlier, and not ten minutes before the meet up" I complained, crossing my arms on my chest.

He messaged me that McGonagal needed us as the Head Girl and Head Boy. The sad fact, is that is midnight.

"Yeah, whatever you say. Let's go to her office" he said not caring, and with a movement of his hand we started walking.

"You are very quiet" he said after a while.

"I am sleepy, that's why" I said and he put his hands on the air surrounded.

"Woah, okay princess. No need to attack" he snorted and I sighed tired.

"Did you ask for us?" Jhon said when he nodded her office door. She was sitting on her desk, signing some parchments.

"Yes, actually. I want you to help me with some thing" she said and we got inside, closing the door behind us.


Being a Head Girl, I knew that it would be hard. You take responsibilities, everyone rely on you and most of all you have been chosen for your intelligence, abilities and skills. Some people though don't accept this offer because it would be exhausting. But I did, and I don't regret it.

But I would never imagine in my whole life, that I would become the Head Girl of Hogwarts just to give massage Dumbledore.

"These days have been rough" he breathed while I was pressing my hands on his shoulders, on circular movements.

"I agree" I said and he exhaled closing his eyes. Jhon was holding a cloth in his hands wiping the dust from each shelf.

His eyes met mine and he tried so hard to not laugh. I glared at him and then focused on Dumbledore's back.

"It's getting late, students. Thank you for your time", he leaned to the front of his chair and I removed my hands from him.

"Rosaleene, your hands do miracles!" he said amazed and i laughed, "Yes, I've been told that a lot".

Jhon gave me a dirty look and I looked away, so Dumbledore wouldn't notice.

"Have a good night, professor" Jhon said and we left from his office. I was walking behind Jhon.

"Seriously, was it that necessary to look at me like that?" I rolled my eyes and he snorted, licking his lips, "I don't understand what you are talking about".

I sighed annoyed and snapped, "Of course you do, Wiliams. But anyway, goodnight".

While I passed him to walk faster I heard him whistling at me.

I turned around angry, "You are an asshole. Do you know that?".

"Yeah, I get that a lot" he grinned and I growled tired turning right so he would lost me.

It worked though and I realized that this was the first time I was wandering in the castle so late.

I decided to take a long walk until I would get to my dorm room, enjoying the silnce and the only source of light, the moon.

I heard a sound behind me and I jumped scared turning to its way.

Professor Snape was standing behind me with a light coming from the tip of his wand.

"What do we got here, mrs Wilson?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

Perfect, the worst thing that could happen to me is him to find me. And it just happened.

"I was going back to my dorm room, I was helping professor McGonagal" I said and took a step back, since his wand was right in my face with the light blinding me.

"And why should I believe you?" he glared at me, but that's how he always looks at me. At everyone, actually.

I sighed, tired to continue this conversation, "Alright, fine. Just give me detention on something".

"Oh trust me, if it was up to me-"

But another male voice interrupted him, "But it's not, Severus". I turned around and I saw a pair of hazel eyes shining under the moonlight.

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