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"Move your ass Maximus. I don't wanna be late" I said and dragged him by his elbow to our class.

"Chill, Rose. It's Friday and besides we only have with Lupin today" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"That doesn't mean we have to be late, come on" I said and we got inside the class. All the students were inside but thankfully the lesson hadn't started yet.

Me and Max sat next to each other in a desk in the middle line, close to the right wall.

I took my books out and my pen. Max did the same after a few seconds bored, and I opened my notebook.

"Good morning class" he said and appeared from the top of his staircase.

"Good morning" some students replied and he came down, in front of his big desk.

"Does anyone remember what we said yesterday, at the end of the lesson? What will we study about today?" he asked, with his eyes wandering around the class searching for a volunteer.

"Anyone?" he clapped his hand and I looked around before raising my hand shyly.

"Yes, mrs Wilson", his eyes met mine.

"We spoke about a Boggart" I said and he nodded, "Yes, well done".

"Does anyone else remember what did we say? Mr Wiliam?" he asked and I glanced towards him.

"They are shape shifters. They take the form of the thing you fear the most" Jhon said and professor smiled.

"Excellent, 10 points to both Gryffindor and Slytherin" he said and I heard Max chuckling next to me.

"I want you everyone to stand up and follow me please".

He walked at the end of the class and so did we. I noticed a big closet on the wall that it wasn't here yesterday.

"Today, each one of you will face their boggart. I want you to be brave, and remember that it only plays with your mind" he said as we were standing on a circle around him.

"I want you to repeat after me, loud and clear, Riddikulus!" he said slow and we answered on a different time each one, "Riddikulus".

"Great, now say it like you mean it. And remember, the thing that destroys a Boggart is laughter, so while saying it think about something hilarious. Ready? Riddikulus!" he said and we repeated the spell again, it sounded way better than before.

"Great, now make a line and it's time to face it by yourself".

Everyone started pushing each other, creating noise in the class. Maximus went to the front, but I stayed back.

"Everyone will try. Why don't you go first Max?" professor said and he nodded.

Max has always been telling us how terrified he is of bees. Every time he sees one, he just runs away as far as possible.

I took a step to the side to have a clear view, watching Max's reaction while the closet opened. His jaw tightened when the characteristic sound of bees filled the class.

"Easy, Max. Say the spell" professor whispered to him and he swallowed hard.

"Riddikulus!" he said and suddenly the bees that were ready to attack him turned into confetti on the air, scattering around the room.

"Excellent, next one!" professor said loud and stepped aside, leaning his body behind on a desk.

Music was playing now, and everyone was such in a great mood. We were actually having fun, especially when we saw Umbridge turning into a tiny person, in a size of a palm right in front of us.

I was the last one in the line with some Ravenclaw girls in front of me. Soon it was our turn, but the bell rang.

"Alright, sorry to mess it up guys. If you don't have another lesson, you can stay" he said but the girls complained that they had Potions that time and left.

Max wasn't around, and I went to pack my stuff.

"Will you seriously leave?" I heard his voice and I turned around.

We were alone in the class, and he signaled me to come closer.

"You have to face your fears, Rosaleene. Not just running away", my heart lost a beat when he mentioned my first name, that's the first time he has ever done it.

"I know, it's just-"

"No, no. Stop talking" he said passing by me and I raised my eyebrow.

"Take out your wand and stand here, next to me" he said and I slowly walked there.

"Ready?" he asked and I breathed deeply.

I was nervous, and instead of answering I just nodded my head. With a movement of his wand, the closet's handle twisted and the door wasn't closed anymore. I heard professor walking away, and I felt my hands shaking.

I felt something like a wind hitting my face and my hair were flying to the back. Then, a mirror appeared in front of me.

I took a step closer and noticed that I could see myslef, but it wasn't my reflection. I was surrounded by my friends and family. But slowly, everyone started walking away from me even when myself in the mirror was crying and begging them not to.

Suddenly, when she was all alone she turned towards me.

"This is your fault. Everyone will have leave you because you deserve nothing. You will always be alone, nobody loves you" I saw myself saying and I felt my eyes watering. I closed my ears to not hear another word.

"Rosaleene, the spell. Use the spell" I heard his voice and that woke me up. It made me realize that I wasn't alone that time.

"Riddikulus!" I yelled and the mirror infront of me turned into a million pieces on the floor but each broken part changed into butterflies that flew away inside the closet.

"Are you okay?" professor said grabbing my shoulder.

"Yeah, I am fine" I smiled weak and he pulled me softly to sit on a chair.

"That was brave" he said after a while coming back letting a pieve of chocolate in front of me.

I chuckled looking at the table, "That's why I am a Gryffindor, I guess".

"I guess" he said meaningful and sat across me. He was staring at me but I avoided his gaze as much as I could.

"Mrs Wilson?" he asked me and I looked up, feeling the goosebumps when our eyes met.

"I-I think you should go now" he said and I frowned.

"Okay" I said confused.

Did I do something bad? His mood totally changed within seconds.

"Have a nice day" I mumbled before closing the door leaving.

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