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"Lupin" he hissed, his tone was full of hate.

"Lower your wand, Severus" professor Lupin said and Snape put it down abruptly.

"Isn't the night wonderful, for a small walk?" Snape asked him with a weird tone and professor Lupin totally ignored him, locking his eyes with mine.

"Mrs Wilson, follow me to my office please. You had some questions about our today's lesson, right?" he said meaningful and I nodded.

"Yes, sorry for not coming earlier. Something came up" I lied and he bit his lips, glancing at Snape arrogantly.

"Let's go then. Have a good night, Severus" he lowered his head, and then signaled me to follow him. I passed Snape and then we ended up walking to the corridors.

He was quiet, not saying a word. We were walking for a few minutes and we were actually heading towards his office.

"Thank you, professor", I broke the silence.

His lips curled a little, to a grin. We stood outside of his office where he opened the door for me, letting me to get inside first.

I was walking in the class, between the desks. Being here at night feels different and I was observing the place around.

"You are a good liar, should I worry?" he asked joking and I stopped moving turning towards him.

"You are a better one, though" I said playfully and he wanted to laugh, but it got covered with some coughs. He walked away so I couldn't see his face, going towards his big desk.

"Were you actually with professor McGonagall?" he asked after a while and I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes, I was" I said honestly and he stared into my eyes, making sure I wasn't telling any lies.

"Thanks for your honesty" he clapped his hands, sitting on the surface of his desk.

"Thank you for your help" I answered, sitting on one desk in front of him, having the same position as him.

"I know that professor Snape can be a little; tough" he was thinking of the right word and I nodded laughing.

"He always used to be like this" he added and I raised my eyebrow, "Always? How do you know?".

"We were actually going to school together" he answered lowly and I gasped, not expecting it.

"Were you friends?" I asked and he snorted, raising his eyebrows.

"No but, it wouldn't be right to tell you" he said and I stood up, taking a few steps closer to him. We still had 1 meter between us.

"You can trust me" I said slow, staring into his eyes.

His expression changed, he was looking at me in a way that he never did before. His eyes scanned all of me, and then the room around.

"I know, mrs Wilson" he said looking at his shoes, and I felt a pinch in my stomach when he moved his eyes away. I really wanted to see them right now.

"It's been pretty late" he added and I nodded.

"Yes, have a good night" I smiled quickly and I opened the door.

"Mrs Wilson?" I heard him and I felt my heart fluttering, "Yes?".

He stood up from his desk, walking a little closer and then placing his left hand on a wooden desk, he said, "Goodnight".

He smiled to me, and I did the same before closing the door behind me.


"What's going on Wilson?" I heard John's annoying voice from behind me.

I placed my burger down and looked at him, "My favorite person ever", I said ironically.

"Haha yeah I know" he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"Tonight, Dumbledore wants to see us" he said and I growled tired.

I really wasn't in the mood to massage him again.

"When? I have Astrology until 1 am" I sighed placing my hands on the table.

"That will be great, I guess. See you then, princess" he winked at me before turning around to leave.

I rolled my eyes and took my burger again. I felt someone staring at me and I looked at Amy.

"What?" I asked confused and she smiled meaningful.

"Princess? Come on Rose, you can't be that stupid" she said and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"He gets on my nerves, Amy. I am not interested" I said honest and she started saying that I have many boys in front of me but I don't choose any.

"I don't mind waiting, I am not even in the mood for a relationship" I said honest and she nodded, glancing at Daniel.

"Tell me what's going on" I whispered seeing how upset she was.

"Well, it's about Daniel" she breathed.

"I want to make it official, with him. Not just sex, because we are more than that, I know it" she continued and I nodded understanding.

Amy and Dani had always been close, and there is romance between them, anyone can see it.

"Why don't you tell him how you feel then?" I asked encouraging her.

"I don't know. I think he will get scared or angry and will leave" she exhaled, desperated.

"Just try him. I know Daniel, I don't think this will happen" I ensured her and her she smirked.

"Okay, I will try" she finally said and we stood up, going into our dorm room.


"I always hated Astrology. Especially the time we have to take it" Amy complained next to me and then she yawned.

She loves sleep, and this is a conversation we have every Wednesday night at 1 am after astrology.

"I will go to Dumbledore, something about Head Girl stuff. I will see you in the morning" I said and she waved at me yawning again, and I chuckled before leaving.

"Hello professor" I said to Dumbledore when I came in to his office.

"Thank you for coming Rosaleene, and sorry about the time but something came up. Jhon informed me that he won't appear since he has a test tomorrow" he said and I felt the blood boiling inside of me.

This asshole stood me up.

"It's okay," I sighed, "what's the issue?".

"Actually it's not me this time. Professor Lupin wants help with something, he is waiting for you in his office" he said and my heart lost a beat, not knowing why.

"Oh okay, I will go now. Thank you" I said and went outside to the corridors heading to his office.

I was very nervous for some reason that I didn't know. I had this lump in my throat and my I could feel my heartbeat, even when I was standing outside of the door. I took the cold handle and slightly pulled it down, letting myself in the class.

"Professor?" I asked but I got no response, the lights were even turned off.

I tried to find the switch to turn them on, and I let a big scream when my palm touched a hand that was already there.

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