Chapter 1 - Scrapped

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"Excuse the intrusion then!" Hitsuki enters the room and the two enter the kitchen.

"So Shu-"Subaru doesn't flinch but Hitsuki continues. "Sorry you just remind me of someone I know"

"Do I?" Subaru cuts a slice for both of them.

"He says 50:50 often and takes part of the blame when he's also in the fault. Also, though I don't know who you are, you need to tighten the skin you have over your face. Ran kicked your chin and a part went loose" Hitsuki thanks him for the cake. "Considering the scheme of events over the past month and how Akai was shot in the head and recorded, you're probably Akai Shuichi."

"That's certainly an interesting deduction" Subaru taps his chin twice. "How did the person come back to life then?"

"Simple! It's a corpse swap trick. He was probably working together with the girl that shot him. Rikumichi shot himself in the head and they swapped the corpses. Agasa next-door probably invented a hat with fake blood bags inside and fooled the men"

"I see." Subaru takes a bite out of his cake. "And you're suspecting that I'm the man who died?"

"Hai hai" Hitsuki sings. "The final piece of evidence lies on your body"

"Where would that be?""That" Hitsuki grabs his collar and pulls down. "Lies right here on Agasa's invention" she clicks the off button and Subaru sighs.

"You win Rosé" He opens an eye and peers at the girl. "What now? Are you going to hand me in?"

"No" Hitsuki smiles. "I'm going to use you to sniff out whether Bourbon is a NOC"

"Why's that?" Subaru takes off his glasses and pulls his disguise off.

"More of an excuse to kill him"

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