Chapter 22 - Extra

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"I'm home!" Hitsuki calls and Hiro runs up to her.

"Welcome back," He kisses her temple as she sighs. "I have dinner prepared and I can run you a bath if you want."

"I'll have dinner and then go to bed," Hitsuki mumbles. "I'm exhausted."

"Still the same as before?" The two make their way into the kitchen.

"Gin is such a pain in the ass!" Hitsuki cries. "Seriously why is he third in command?!"

"Well, he is terribly loyal to the organization, almost on par with Champagne," Hiro hands her dinner and she digs in.

"I hate him," Hitsuki grumbles, mouth full of food. "I hope he dies."

"At whose hand?"

"Yes." Hitsuki sighs and finishes the rest of her dinner quietly. She sighs as she gets up to do the dishes.

"No no, you go bathe. I'll do the dishes," Hiromitsu smiles and Hitsuki cries.

"Thank you..." she mumbles. "But I don't think I want to be alone right now..."

"Ah, I'll stay with you then," Hiro smiles. "Come on, let's get you ready for bed."

Hitsuki's half asleep while bathing and Hiro saves her from drowning twice. He dries her hair and she removes her contacts when he finishes. "Love you..."

"I love you too," Hiro kisses her forehead and the two drift off to bed.


Was this an excuse to write fluff? yes. Am I currently drowning in tears over their relationship? Yes. Oh by the way, can you tell I'm single? Yes? Of course you can🤡

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