Rosé - Profile

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(Artist: pretty sure it's 一锅玄哥 on pixiv

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(Artist: pretty sure it's 一锅玄哥 on pixiv. Don't quote me on this I can't find it I even searched their weibo )

Codename: Rosé

Alias: Niyirishi Hitsuki

Nicknames: Diamond sniper (the organization), that sniper (Gin), Hitsuki-nee-chan (the kids), Rosekill (Whiskey)

Age: 28

Height: 167cm (5'5")

Occupation: on-call doctor, full-time wanderer

Pets: Hiro (Samoyed dog), Hi-chan (Ragdoll cat)

Current status: Alive

Net worth: 13.3 billion yen (128 million usd)

Fun fact: It takes her 20 minutes to get her disguise together in the morning

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