AU - Spades,Hearts,Clovers,Diamonds

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"Welcoming the Royal Diamond family!" The court announcer calls. The crowd pauses to applaud and Hitsuki walks down the stairs with her family.

Had a simple commoner met her, they would have thought of her as a knight. None of the nobles knew either, the girl in the dress was no princess, she was the royal knight. Hitsuki was getting a day off, she was being the knight for once.

"Princess Hitsuki," a male approaches her, a fake smile present. "A pleasure to finally meet you,"

"Indeed. You are a noble from the Spades, correct?" The knight answers perfectly.

There had been rumors that the princess of Diamonds was cruel. Someone who sliced your hand off if you even as to dared to touch her. A constant menacing smile on her face, eyes as harsh as the winter snow. Knives hidden in her nails, a fan constantly ready to slice your fingers off. An executionist with deadly precision.

"Correct," The man's hand touches her dress and she slices his fingers off. The man screams out in pain as the blood splatters onto the floor.

"YOU BITCH-" Hitsuki moves in this time, and a blade is pressed to his throat, before a warning glare is given.

"Now now," a male pulls the man back and the on-call doctor shows up to fix his fingers. "That's no way to treat guests is it?"

"Your highness of Clovers," Hitsuki bows and the knight curtsies.

"Ah, her highness of Diamonds right?" The prince's smile is charming, but the underlying feeling of caution doesn't go unnoticed.

"Yes," The knight smiles.

Citra was the girl's name. She had been her personal knight for life, and she had taken all the proper etiquette lessons that Hitsuki had been forced into. The two were essentially twins, the only difference was the shade of hair and eyes. Hitsuki had cold, harsh, red eyes. Fitting for a girl of diamond descent while Citra had burning blue eyes. On nights the two were chosen to swap, both girls would wear contacts, and make sure their wig was in place.

The rules were simple. No sleeping with a man while under disguise, no walking alone with a man while under disguise, and no breaking the rumor the two had created. Simple rules really.

"And this is..?" The male turns to Hitsuki.

"This is my personal knight, Citra." Citra motions at Hitsuki and she bows. The prince smiles teasingly at the girl before smiling.

"Well then, Citra." The prince smiles at Hitsuki. "I look forward to seeing you around,"

"... who was that," Citra mumbles under her breath and Hitsuki smiles.

"Prince Hiro of the Clover kingdom," Hitsuki mumbles back. "Not a player, and usually does not show interest in girls according to rumors. His royal knight's name is Rei. I heard he's popular with the ladies despite being a guard."

Citra nods and the two carry on in the evening ball. Dinner is served and Hitsuki bows goodbye to Citra. She knew her role well enough. She stands on duty with the rest of the group and smiles. Her brother shoots her a knowing smirk and feeds on the steak.

"Tis a lovely meal, don't you think so sister?" Shuichi smiles at Citra and she nods elegantly.

"Of course my dear brother,"

Hitsuki stands straight as she peers at the guard next to her. He had blonde hair, passionate blue eyes, and a stern look on his face. He was most likely Prince Clover's knight.

The Hearts had thrown the party in honor of their daughter's marriage. Princess Lily was being wed to a Shield. Though not as well known as the noble fours, the Shields had been making a name for themselves recently. It was rumored that the Spades' son had married the second daughter of the Heart's household. Thus the reason the classic arranged marriage couldn't be fulfilled.

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