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Kingdom of Ellania, four years ago.

Xander was walking through the corridors of the castle, hood on his head. Though they weren't supposed to wear it indoors, he preferred it that way. It helped to pass unnoticed, a great advantage, especially where the nobles residing inside the keep were concerned.

He was born one of them, but he disliked them with a passion. He disliked their attitude, their manners, their way of living. He especially disliked the way they treated the commoners. He would much prefer to be one of them. To live free outside the castle. Poorer, yes, but free. Free of the etiquette, free of the ridiculous responsibilities, free of the hypocrisy.

He would much rather be a fisherman, a farmer, a baker. But being the son of a noble, it was forbidden to work. He would have no problem living with the stigma, but he couldn't impose such a shame on his family. So, he did the next best thing: He joined the kings guard, the only job a nobleman was allowed to do. And he proved to be quite good at it. Everybody was certain, he would become the next commander of the king's army in a few years, a spot the king had kept for himself since the last commander died. He liked that, a lot. Being the commander would grant him power. Power to change things. Power to help the people.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the person coming straight at him from the opposite direction. By the time he did, it was already too late to avoid her.

"Xander! I am so pleased to have found you. I was looking for you!"

Livia. Part of the nobility, more a snake than a human. Why his parents insisted he took her as his wife, he could not understand. To hell with titles! He would marry out of love, and out of love only.

Unfortunately, he still had to speak to her. "Lady Livia, how do you do."

Livia rolled her eyes and took his arm. "Xander! Why do you insist on being so formal with me? We are friends, aren't we?" She gazed at him with evident adoration.

Xander could barely keep the grimace off his face. She was touching him, and he hated being touched by people he disliked, especially if those people had a crush on him. He removed her hand as graciously as he could master and smiled. "Of course, my lady. Now, if you will excuse me, I have some business to attend-"

"You are always busy!" Livia mocked a frown and, to his utter horror, grabbed him again by the arm. "I never have time with you."

Xander closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Gods, grant me strength... He started rubbing his temple, trying to come up with an excuse to disappear. Thankfully, the gods were in a good mood, and Margaret, one of the castle's head cooks, happened to cross paths with them.

"My dear boy, come quickly with me, you are needed," she said and grasped him forcefully as she passed by, dragging him along down the corridor, leaving a wide-eyed Livia behind. He waved goodbye at her before they turned around the corner, just to be polite, and resumed walking arm-in-arm with Margaret.

"Thank you, Maggie, I owe you one," he side-looked at her and smiled wickedly.

"Don't mention it, child, I hate hir as much as you do," she said, winking. "But if you feel like you owe me a debt, I do have work for you."

Xander noticed they were heading to the kitchens. "Will you have me cooking? I have to warn you, I am not very good at it," he said to the woman, grinning. Margaret waved her hand dismissively.

"When I found you, I was on my way baec from the storerooms. We been sort of few spices, I need someone to go to the market." She stopped right before the entrance to the kitchen. "With the preparations for the royal wedding, is a madhouse around here. I only have the new girl available."

"New girl?" Xander asked, curious. Margaret nodded.

"Aye, a refuge from Saria and an orphan. She lost all hir family in the war," the woman said cheerlessly. "I found hir working at a tavern and took pity on hir. She looked sad and lonely, much better to be working in the castle with me."

Xander leaned over and gave her a tender kiss on the cheek. "You have a kind soul Margaret," he said, smiling down at her. The woman blushed and resumed walking towards the kitchen in an awkward attempt to hide it. She motioned to him to follow.

"Well, she's a skinny little thing," Margaret continued in a fake nonchalant way. "And she doesn't yet know hir way around very well. Can you accompany hir?"

Xander relished at the opportunity to get outside the castle. The busy and colorful market was one of the best places for someone to visit. "Glad to! What's the girl's name?"

The commotion inside the kitchen was evident. People cooking foods of all shapes, tastes, and colors, people running around in frustration, people shouting orders to other people. Ornaments crashing to the ground with a bang, steam arising from various pots, making it hotter than a midsummer's day. King Lucius and lady Sofia's wedding was in two days, and the preparation was at its peak. Margaret threw a few desperate glances around and sighed.

She turned around to face him. "Layla, but we call hir Lila."


The market was as lively and noisy as always, but Xander had his mind elsewhere. He couldn't take his eyes off her. He stood aside, watching, as she made her pick. Had a more beautiful creature walked this earth, ever? No, he was certain of it. Dark, thick hair, skin the color of honey, and the most beautiful green-gray eyes he had seen.

They have been chatting all the way down from the castle. Polite and witty, she only made him more interested. He saw her pay and turn around to face him. She gave him the most alluring smile and, he was sure, she wasn't even doing it on purpose. His eyes darted to her full, red lips. He wanted to kiss her, badly. Instead, he moved to take the sacks lying on the ground. She waved her hands in refusal. "It is fine, sir, I can handle it."

"I am sure you can," he beamed at her and saw her eyes widen. "But what a knight would I be if I let you load the wagon?" She seemed to think about it for a second and then stepped back to allow him space. Here's that alluring smile again, gods have mercy!

"And please, stop calling me sir, we are practically the same age." He observed her reaction.

His words made her thoughtful. "But you are a knight, and I am a maid." She looked him straight in the eyes, a question forming on her perfect face. Her eyes captivated him. He swore he could drown in those green seas of hers. She continued, clearly having no idea about the effect he had on him. "And Margaret said I am to address everyone by their title."

Margaret. He should buy her a gift. It was the least he could do to thank her for introducing him to the heavenly creature now standing beside him.

She climbed back on the wagon with his help, and he followed along. "Margaret is a kind woman, and she came from Saria like you. She left decades ago because her child died at birth. She has plenty of love to offer, so listen to what she says and follow the rules she tells you to follow." He side-glanced at her and was very pleased to notice that she was stealing glances too. "But those rules do not apply to me."

She raised her eyebrows and turned over to face him.

"Oh? And what is so special about you?" She shot him a naughty smile, and this time it was on purpose. To keep the wagon from straying was becoming quite a task. He stopped it, but Lila didn't seem intimidated at all. Instead, her eyes were upon him with expectation.

He gazed at her, a suggestive look on his face. He was out of order, he knew it. But he was falling. Fast.

"Rest assure, you will find out."

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