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Kingdom of Ellania, three years ago.

The great walls of Anetha were shining under the glorious light of the spring sun. Over a year had passed since Xander last laid his eyes upon them. Striding slowly on his horse, he turned around, looking at his men that followed behind. They were exhausted, the hardships and horrors of war evident on them, but so was relief, now that they were finally returning home.

Not long after the king's wedding, they had been sent to assist Saria, who was brutally attacked and have been in war for years with the dark forces of the Assassins. A legion of warlocks and witches who practiced black magic. Worshipers of Darkness, of the gods of wrath and destruction, determined to impose their twisted beliefs and practices on the entire world. Saria resisted with all its might, inspiring people everywhere to volunteer as fighters, joining its militia. Saria, her home country.

It was well over a year since he last saw her, too.

He glanced at Christoph, his best friend and most trusted companion, who was riding beside him. "Do you think she remembers me?"

Christoph's lips formed a knowing smile, and he shook his head in resignation. "You should have told her to wait for you."

"We've known each other only for a few weeks," said Xander with a melancholic voice. "And anyway, you can't tell a woman to wait for you when you don't know if you'll return." He turned towards Christoph, irritated. "I've told you this before!"

"Yes, like a hundred times..." murmured Christoph more to himself.

Xander heard him, but it made no difference at all. He stared at the castle, a gloominess covering his face. "She will be married by now. Such a beauty wouldn't stay uncommitted for long."

"Yes, but Xander," pleaded Christoph, "since I had endured your lovesickness for a year, not to mention during a war... In case the good gods decided to show mercy on my poor soul and she is still available, confess your love to the girl and let us be done with it!"

Xander took a deadpan expression. Then he started laughing. They both did.

Suddenly Christoph became serious again. "Will you tell her?"

"Tell her what?"

"That you tried to find her family."

Lila's whole family had died in the war. But her mother was adopted, as she had told him. So, he tried to trace any relatives from her mother's birth family and bring them to Ellania, but with no luck. "I wanted to make her happy." Xander's forehead wrinkled. "To share my failure with her would only upset her."

Not long after, they reached the gates. The guards saluted them as they passed by. Most of the city's population had gathered on the streets, throwing flowers and cheering with enthusiasm. Up ahead, the castle on the hill had all its flags raised, the emblem of the wolf waving proudly under the sun. Xander could make out the castle's inhabitants assembling at the outer ward, as it was accustomed, to greet them. His heart was pounding in his chest.

He had fought against witches and warlocks, against skilled warriors and creatures of the night.

But the anxiety he felt right now, he had never felt before.


Xander, Christoph, and the rest of the soldiers kneeled down to their king and queen. King Lucius motioned to them to arise, a big satisfied grin on his face. Next to him, queen Sofia smiling at them, passing her eyes from soldier to soldier, until finally focusing on Xander. He didn't know her very well, since she had barely been made a queen before he left. But the news and rumors reaching them, in the faraway land of Saria, were most reassuring. They said she was a kind, fair, and smart woman who was transforming her husband into a better man and king. Not that king Lucius was all that bad, but he did need a few... adjustments.

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