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All the way to the castle, Layla began to process everything that had happened so far. She had long rejected the idea that this was some isolated kingdom she had never heard of before. All the fantasy novels she had read, all the science-fiction movies she had seen were now playing inside her head. A few hours ago, she swore that she wouldn't succumb to theories of the supernatural. But the evidence was simply too much to ignore.

At first, she flirted with the idea that maybe she was in a hospital somewhere, deep in a coma after the car accident, suffering from heavy injuries, being on the brink of death. But everything felt way too real to be a dream. She quickly dismissed that theory.

If it was only Alex she had met, she would probably believe she had died and gone to heaven. But this Alex, this Xander, didn't recognize her. He wasn't seated upon a white cloud welcoming her with open arms. Then there was Chris too who, in the meanwhile, she had found out he was called Christoph. As far as she knew, she had left him alive and happy back in her hometown. Well, as happy as anyone can be having Liv for a girlfriend.

There was also that girl everyone talked about, who looked apparently exactly like her and shared her name. And judging from their reactions and insinuations, something terrible had happened to her.

Last but not least, everything about this place. The total lack of technology. Their ignorance regarding hospitals, the police, and who knows what else. And magic! They talked of magic and witches as if it was an everyday thing, normality. No, all these resulted in one conclusion, and one conclusion only, no matter how impossible it sounded. But she decided to wait for the meeting with the king before accepting the unbelievable as reality.

Xander's voice interrupted her thoughts. They were now at the gates of the castle, the guards saluting the commander, a mortified expression on their faces as they stole glances of her within his grasp. She sighed in resignation. She was becoming used to it. "Go and inform the king a matter of urgency has arisen," he ordered one of them, side-glancing at her. "I will wait in the throne room."

Margaret popped from behind. "And Queen Sofia too! Tell hir to come too!"

Layla, on hearing the name of the queen, snapped her head in Margaret's direction. Xander's voice drove her attention back to him. She watched him close his eyes and rub his temples as if tortured by a bad headache. "Are you giving orders now Margaret?"

The woman stood in front of him, arms at the waist. "She been hir friend too! She has the right to know! She been the one who fou-"

"I know what happened!" The shout came out so strong, even the guards flinched. Layla, startled, lost her balance. She would have fallen if he didn't catch her. For a fragment of a second there, she saw the worry in his eyes, felt the tenderness in the way he embraced her. She saw the Alex she knew again. Then the guard spoke, and he was back to his new usual self. "Shall I call the queen too, commander?"

Christoph answered instead. "Yes, call the queen too." His eyes followed the guard as he rushed towards the keep and then he turned to Xander. "Margaret is correct again, commander. The queen has the right to know."

"If Margaret is making all the wise decisions, Christoph, maybe you should appoint her the commander!" Xander, fuming, resumed marching, dragging Layla with him. Everybody else followed along, Margaret pacing fast to reach the commander's side.

"See?" she went on unfazed, pointing at Layla. "She's already doing good to you! You are making jokes again!"


The castle from up close was a marvel to behold. Lush greenery and majestic gardens surrounded the keep. Marble fountains and azure blue pools radiated under the sunlight. Inside, the floors were painted with intricate patterns of various shades of turquoise. Beautiful frescoes of gods, angels, kings, and fairies decorated the ceilings. Vast tapestries and heavy paintings hung from the high white stone walls. Silver and marble statues were placed along the corridors and the stairs leading to the different departments of the castle. Glass openings, at the right spots, allowed for the natural light to come in.

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