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It was June 06-2016, afternoon. 

When Grace had heard that her sister was no more. That she was dead. She was struck with a lot of emotions and didn't know how to react when she saw her sister's body in front of her.

Long eyelashes, pink lips, cute button nose, long black hair and her pale skin which held no smile on it. Grace didn't feel any tears prick her eyes, she thought she was so shocked that her emotions wasn't doing any good for her.

She went and had sat near her sister's body and held her hand one last time and kissed it. She knew after 10 minutes,  the hospital people would take her body away and do the following things, so that her sister soul would rest in peace. She wanted to do everything for her sister but she couldn't as she never had no money left.

They had no money except some that her sister had earned doing a job in a café. That had been fine for them to eat but not something expensive, her sister asked her sorry every time for the only reason,  that she couldn't bring anything but just a burger for her to eat. They lived in a basement near the café which was free as it was owned by the café owner. But her sister didn't earn much money, even if she ever asked her owner to give her more money for her honest work, they would give an excuse of the basement they had provided for them to live in.

Grace had never seen her dad, not in person nor in photos as there were none. Her mother passed away when she was ten and that left her only sister(Venice) for her to live with. She never remembered her mother or missed her at any moment as Venice was always the one to take care of her.

She felt her sister's hand slip away from her as the hospital people took her body away for once and forever. She was just numb in her heart, as no emotions came to her. She had sat the whole day in the same place without even realizing all the people had gone out. The police didn't ask her anything by knowing her situation, she silently thanked them in her heart for doing so.

At night she stood up and went to prepare a cup of noodles for herself. She sat there with a burger in the same hand which held her sister's a few hours ago, infront of the same table she sat everyday and started to eat it. she had ate everything without even realizing and had gone to bed. That was the moment it hit her hard, as tears started to pool in her eyes, when she had nobody but herself on the floor sleeping alone without her sister.

She cried so hard as tears flowed like a river on her cheeks, she cried knowing she had no one from tomorrow, she cried knowing she had to earn everything for herself, she cried knowing she was alone from that day and she cried knowing that she was really alone without any friends, family and a boyfriend . She knew she never had one but, at least, she wished she had one so that she could lean on him for now. And just like that she had cried herself to sleep all alone.

The next morning she had woken up and saw next to her that her sister wasn't there, she looked around to find her sister anywhere but then realized: she was no more. Again she felt the tears prick her eyes but she never gave any chance for them to fall and wiped it with her hands.

Grace sat there for hours thinking what she could do, she had the chance to work in the same café her sister worked and could live her life like always, but she refused that idea and took a few minutes to relax her mind, and then she got it. She got to know what she wanted to do and took her sister's phone in her hand and dialed a number of the only person she knew she had now in the whole world to lean on. Within three rings he picked the call....

"Venice is g-gone, y-yo-you are the only one I have, now." She had said, without even giving him a chance to speak.

"I know Grace, I will be there to get you tomorrow....Take care until then" he responded and ended the call.

Her heart felt at ease knowing she had someone now, to take care of her, to live with her. But she never knew what was waiting for her in the future. Until today she regretted doing it, but she had no choice but to take whatever had come in her life cause she was the one who had chosen it for...herself.

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