A Mysterious Stare...

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            They stepped inside the restaurant which was 2 blocks away from their house , Where Joseph always brought her when she felt tired to cook.

Joseph made sure Grace was comfortable in her seat and reached to the chair opposite to her . The waitress came to take their order and smiled at Joseph, a few waitress already knew them as they were one of the regular customers. Even though they knew what Joseph would order for the pair ,the waitress still asked him about their order and left to get back with the dish.

Grace sat there, her stare glued on the tree outside the restaurant, they were sitting at one of the corners where the walls held a large glasses to mirror the moments happening outside the place. Joseph saw her looking at the tree and smiled, he knew she liked green. Not just the color but she loved the feel it gave her, the fresh vibe it held was never failing to make her relaxed.

Grace flew out of her trance as Joseph cleared his throat to start a conversation which was paused from past one hour, the whole journey they took from the church to the restaurant was in silence.

"You are looking happy, love ." Joseph said with a gentle smile on his face. Grace smiled, giving him a sign that his guess was right. She rarely smiled that way, the smile which made her eyes squint and cheeks to look puffy. Joseph loved it, the smile for which he tried very hard every single day.

"I am, Jo." She replied throwing a smile at him. His smile grew bigger by the name she called him. He knew Grace called him by that name only when she felt happy. His heart felt euphoric knowing that his efforts didn't fail him as he made her happy today.

Again silence, the both sealed their mouth. Grace's gaze returned to its previous spot on the tree, Joseph didn't interrupt her knowing she wouldn't like it. Till today he didn't understood why she was always quiet with him. He thought maybe there was nothing much she could talk with him as he was the only one she had been living every single second from the past two years.

The waitress returned with their dish, Grace smiled politely towards the waitress and thanked her .After the waitress left she averted her gaze towards the dish and happily smiled .It was her only favorite dish , A Kingfish (one of the famous dishes in goa). It was the first dish she ate after coming to Goa since then it was her favorite. She saw joseph serving her plate and said her "thankyou" to him before digging in.

Grace finished eating within few minutes as it was her favorite dish and lifted her head to see Joseph sitting their staring at her. Joseph was a fast eater as he always finished in a moments and waited for her to finish having her lunch. She smiled at him genuinely, today was full of smiled for her . Even she dint knew she would be smiling so much at Joseph but she smiled a lot making him happy in the process.

Grace thought they would leave now as they had finished eating but Joseph was still seated in his seat looking at one of the boy standing near the counter waiting for something. She understood there was still something Joseph had planned for them so she sat silently looking at the mirror. That was the Moment she saw him.

A guy wearing a black long puffer jacket with yellow turtleneck underneath it which suited his pale skin well, a black cap sat on his head, a few strands of his blond hair peeking from underneath the cap , a black mask covered his 3/4 of his face and his eyes. Eyes that were like a pond of dark chocolate stared at her. The moment she met his gaze she felt she would melt like a piece of ice which were directed by the fire. Fire that was the way he was staring at her , a sharp stare. 

Grace wanted to avert her eyes from those eyes which stared at her from the moment he stepped inside. But she couldn't , She wanted to know the intention of those eyes which swallowed her from a few meters away where he sat at a table lonely. A mysteries stare was what she felt. He didn't avert his gaze from hers even when he came inside, even when he neared a table which was few steps away from hers, even when a pulled a chair to sit down.

It was that moment he moved his gaze from her when a waitress reached his table to take his order. Grace turned her head in front of her when she felt a hand on her hand which was placed on the table. She met Joseph eyes when she lifted her head , " yuh are still here? I am talking to yuh from that time , where was your attention dear?" he asked with no expression on his face.

"N-Nothing , I was just looking at something." She responded while stuttering as she felt her thought dry. She smiled at Joseph hoping he didn't see that something what she was looking at. A waitress carrying a tray with a red velvet cake reached their table which changed Joseph's attention on it. He signalled the waitress to place it on the table and came out of his seat near grace and took her hand in his.

He gave her a knife and wished her a happy bday when she cut it. The waitress still standing near their table smiled at grace and wished her a happy bday too. Joseph fed her a piece of cake which was also her favorite, and said the waitress to pack the rest of it. He took her hand leading her out of the restaurant  near the car which was parked at right and said her to wait for him to come back. Grace sat in the passenger seat and nodded at Joseph telling him she would be okay.

As she was waiting she turned her head to the left and spotted a Black Lamborghini , she couldn't guess the model properly as she was never interested in cars but she thought it might be Aventador as she knew a bit about Lamborghini cars. As the windows of the car rolled down she didn't expect to see those dark chocolate eyes staring at her mysteriously with a hand playing with a chain on his neck which she never spotted.

She thought he was a normal guy who just visited or lived in goa but she never expected to see him in a car which only few could dream of....

Yes!! He's finally here...Our cute prince who yuh were expecting, enjoy reading.

Stay happy...💜
With love,

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