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                                            There is something moon soaked and dawn flavoured about him,

                                 Something kissed by the wild and loved by the lightening.

                       He looks like Artemis after a night of storm hunting, 

He looks like the sun as it rises after kissing the dawn...


Her eyes pealed open slowly like a delicate petals, after adjusting her vision she looked around. To notice It was still dark outside, as the little rays shined from the sun peeking through the dawn. Grace knew it was probably early morning, she was sure she had passed out for at least 3 to 4 hours. she felt embarrassed for passing out like that infront of him, that too, on the very night getting into the home. She thought maybe, he was thinking of her like some toddler who would get scared in the darkness and pass out without being able to bear the scariness no longer.

But She knew Jimin wasn't going to tell anything that would embarrass her nor he would tease her about it later but still she had felt weird about herself for being so scaredy cat and fainting by just seeing a guy whom she had seen just a few minutes ago before going to sleep.

Seeing her surroundings she noticed it was not her new room but Jimin's. It was all black just like her room but there were few more wooden stools around her and the beautiful paintings decorating the black walls. Even though she couldn't see clearly, she paid attention to every detail in the darkness. After looking at all the things settled in his room, still not getting a glance of its owner she had decided to get out of his bed and find him. 

She wondered where he had slept the few hours, as she had slept in his bed. She felt happy for his genuine-ness. He would have just carried her to the room she had previously slept in and left her there but she was thankful for him for not doing that. She just hoped he wasn't sleeping on the couch in the living room or the floor as that would make her feel more bad about herself. She thought he would be sleeping on the bed she was supposed to sleep and thought to go find him there.

She expected he would have been by her side, sitting beside her for her to open her eyes. He would be eagerly waiting to check up on her but for her dismay he wasn't there so now she had to find him. Even though it was still dark she was not scared anymore, atleast not to the point like she felt a few hours ago. It wasn't raining anymore so that was a relief for her.

Sliding her legs from the comforter, to let it meet the cold granite floor she started to walk towards the door, relieved as there was nothing on the way to the door so she would bump into it and hurt herself. She halted for a second infront of the door and let her hand rest on the door knob. The corridor on the other side of the door would be dark and it made a slight fit of panic to rise in the pit of her stomach. 

Taking a deep breaths, she opened the door slightly, seeing the corridor beaming with lights, relieved her. After taking a few steps, she came to a halt at the stairs which lead to the second floor. Thinking for a minute, she decided to go upstairs as she was a bit sure that Jimin would sleep on the comfortable bed rather than choosing a couch or the floor. But she was still not sure as to where he might be. 

A slight sound of some things rustling made her ears alert. Listening carefully to the sound, she heard footsteps from the second floor. She sighed in relief knowing Jimin's current location.

After debating for herself, she started taking a slow steps to the second floor. 

Her legs trailed the steps to the corridor which was dark unlike before which made her alert but she wanted to find him. A call for him would have been better but the light from the room, was enough for her to continue walking towards it. Without having any thoughts to reach her mind, she took fast steps and reached the room. The door was open and the bright light reached till the corridor outside.

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