Swimming love...

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                                 Already a day passed in the resort, Grace was feeling happy for spending the day in a wonderful environment. She felt relaxed for the first time in days, but the act from the previous day still irked in her mind to not let her forget about him.

As she sat swaying her legs which was swallowed by the pool water, she felt her heart sway along with her legs. She always had a feeling of love for swimming, which her sister had taught her when she was younger. It was one of the things she would always do with her sister when they had time but she felt sad remembering her sister was no more. She knew she was missing her sister more and more everyday but she couldn't help but accept the cruelty of fate and reality.

She dived into the water for another round of swim and came back, sitting at the edge of the pool once again her legs half under the water. As she held the cool glass of drinks in her hand, her train of thoughts ran to the previous day where he appeared from nowhere and made her feel almost to crash her head to one of the walls which sheltered the restaurant.

The way his eyes stared at her own, the way he was swallowing her with just a gaze of his was scaring her to death. She didn't knew the intention he had as he was appearing in every single place she was going. For her he was just nothing but a mysterious shit which she wanted to get rid of but couldn't. 

Once he had seated himself in of the chairs present in the corner of the restaurant, she had turned her gaze towards her feet and couldn't lift it for another twenty minutes until the waitress had come back with their food Joseph had ordered. She had started eating without even looking at Joseph. She was thankful that Joseph was busy with his phone and hadn't talked anything to her from last thirty minutes as she was already having a battle going on in her heart and mind.

After finishing her food, she had turned in the direction of him, to see if he was still there. He was not there anymore, she had sighed with content and turned her head towards the counter. For her surprise he was there standing with one of the staffs talking very seriously which she had grasped from the look on the staff's face. She caught his hand holding his mask which was previously on his face, but she felt sad as he had his back to her so she couldn't take a glance at his face.

She remembered the excited feeling she had at that moment waiting for him to turn around so she could see his face at last , after waiting for so long. He turned around but she bent her head that instant without knowing why she was doing that, she wanted to see him, she was waiting for this from so many days but she didn't know what exactly made her act that way.

The approaching footsteps of his black leather boots made her heart beat faster. Her head still bent down, by the corner of her eyes she saw him passing by next to her table. she even caught the glimpse of his mask still held in his hands. By that she understood he wanted her to see him, she had the chance , the so called golden opportunity but she had acted like seeing him would sting her own eyes.

As she was recalling everything from the day before she didn't know what she had to do next, She couldn't stop her thoughts trailing off to him and her heart beating faster every time she thought of him. To bring her back to reality, a green leaf fell on her right thigh which she took in her hand and lifted her head to take a look at the tree it had fallen from.

Her eyes caught those dark chocolaty eyes again, he was standing there leaning on the tree like a piece of art. Her heart felt a sting from looking at mask covering his face. Forgetting that, she made her decision that instant to go and talk to him today, she knew she shouldn't slip away from this again, and she wouldn't even get this kind of moment or courage to act the way she was going to.

Placing the glass on the surface next to her, which she was holding in her hand. She got up , feeling courage pour into her. She started walking towards him but as soon as his eyes trailed down her body she realized that she was wearing a swim suit which made her stop in her tracks. For a second she didn't knew what to do, whether to turn around and run back or to continue walking in his way to end this.

But she knew she couldn't do it, her courage vanished like a thin air and she started feeling shy when she caught him still staring at her naked legs. 

She turned around and started to run like a flash of light to the inside of the room and slammed the door shut. But the next thing she heard was his laughter filling her ears which made her own lips curve up into a shy smile...


Happ Bday to our sweetest Suga. He is the best pianist I have known, the best person who has me smile more. He's already 28 but I still think he's a little cute boy whom I always Love...😘😘❣️

I wish him the happiest long lasting life...I love you to the hope world and back my dear bias wrecker, stay healthy and always show us a billion dollar gummy smile...

PS: I love Jimin's eyes more than the dark chocolate...

Stay happy , stay healthy

thank you💜
with love,

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