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A past hidden in darkness...

His present cloaked in secrets..

The future holds the only truth that cannot be escaped...


After having a lovely conversation, both of them decided to head out for shopping as Jimin had suggested and took the route to their respective rooms to get ready.

Within few minutes, he stepped down to the living room and sat down knowing he had to wait few more minutes or maybe an hour as she was nowhere in his sight, yet. Anyhow he had nothing else to do, but scroll in his phone and spend some time with useless stuff.

Grace slowly stepped downstairs, her footsteps signalling him that she was ready.

He turned around, already expecting her to be in all white attire. And just to not disappoint him, she was standing there rightly in all white glory—he hated it.

He hated it so much that his anger was skyrocketing each second as his gaze lingered on her white sneakers, her legs being hugged by skinny white jeans, a white plain t-shirt adorning her top and a white jacket hung in her hand, which she probably would be wearing later.

He never understood her love for white, but he clearly knew why she was still wearing it, cauz...she had no other clothes to wear.

But then it left him relieved knowing they were going for shopping today and at least he could get rid of all the white clothes she had.

He clenched his fists, holding back the anger and reminding himself what was, especially who was the exact reason for her to be like this today. But he was calm that he was changing it all, he was changing her life daily bit-by-bit and all for the good.

She looked like an Angel in all white but the color had frustrated him so much that he had started to hate it. Jimin felt relaxed knowing in a few hours he would see her wearing all the other colors and to have a new look on her.

"Shall we go?" She asked, looking at him.

He replied with a nod and started walking towards the front door, picking the key of his expensive car and opened the door to let her walk out. Leading their footsteps to the black luxury, without giving her a chance he reached his hand out to open the passenger door for Grace.

Thanking him with a mumble, Grace sat in and waited for him to come around to the driver's seat.

Pressing the start key, Jimin made himself comfortable in the seat, not forgetting to fasten his seat belt. The engine roared to life, taking them on their destination.

The drive was as usual, so Grace had no other choice but to just stare out of the window. Seeing Indian people and a few foreigners strolling around in the streets. Some were laughing and joyful, enjoying their free time with their loved ones- while others seemed quiet sorrowful for some unknown reasons which no one could know except themselves.

But turning her gaze to the person next to her, she felt herself smiling. Grace was happy, really happy at the time. She had a friend at last, who was willing to take care of her and love her unconditionally. He was the reason, for her to be sitting here in the passenger seat of the luxurious car and a content life after a hurtful years in her past.

For the first time in some years, she felt her heart warm up just by knowing there was someone for her, not expecting anything return but just willing to be responsible for her life. Like her sister.

And she thanked god that it was Jimin. No one would ever be as lovely as this boy – to her. No one....

Her thoughts had kept her occupied, the whole time. Without giving her time to notify that they had reached the mall.

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