Haiku's #214-229

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*Both the Prince and the Grand Duke make their way to the King's headquarters to deliver the news that the Prince has selected a maiden to marry. Making their way to his hall, half-way across the palace, both the Duke and the Prince grow more nervous and weary with each hollow step they take echoing through the marble halls. The Duke practices his words that he will say before the almighty ruler of the land under his breath, still stuttering and stammering like he always does. The Prince however walks with striking confidence, power, and authority, while inside he is a scared little lad afraid of the possibility of having to stand up and defy his Father. Reaching the sleek doors of the King's quarters, the two stop at the door of the entryway, both taking a deep breathe in unison. The Duke thinks to himself, praying also that he won't falter with his words:*

This is so pointless!

The King will never approve.

Just a new scandal...

Now, now, I must go

The King must know

Well... here goes nothing...
*The Duke nods to a guard to open the two big doors into the King's presence, completely unannounced for an unplanned meeting and discussion, which the King is already not fond of to begin with. Mustering up a little confidence, the Duke starts his sentence well but blunders mid-way back to his fearful falters of floundering before his royal presence.*

"Your Highness... a word?

I bring you your son, sire

He wishes to speak."
*The Prince thinks to himself, clenching his fist in annoyance:*

Why can he not speak?

Could he not stutter for once?

Why is he scared?
*The King shouts at the Duke from his throne above:*


Get to the point already!

Must you take so long?!"

Exactly Father!

Something we can agree on!

That would be the first...

"My apologies!

Last night your son met someone.

He thinks she's the one..."
*The King quickly flicks his dark eyes from the duke to his son, and a smile forms on his round face, his chubby cheeks turning a rosy pink as he laughs with joy. Raising his arms up to the heavens, he shouts:*

"What great news to hear!

About time you settle down!

What's the ladies name?
*Silence begins to fill the room and the King's smile begins to drop slightly, nervously chuckling now. The Prince and the Duke make eye contact for a few moments, not knowing how to deliver the unusual news of not knowing the bride-to-be and future queen's name. Fiddling with the red sash tied around his main suit coat, the duke speaks up to explain the situation:*

"See your majesty...

Your son doesn't recall her

But he has her shoe."
*The Prince walks up to his Father, handing him the shoe as a sign of proof. The King delicately holds the valuable clue and missing puzzle piece in his burly hands, amazed at the design and craftsmanship of the expensive heel. He gingerly taps the shoe on the palm of his hand a couple of times while looking out the stain-glass window. Everyone in the room stares at the King, awaiting his response. After heaving a sigh, he makes his decision, saying so plainly and matter-of-factly:*

"...That's quite the problem...

But I have a solution!

Give the girl the shoe."

*Completely discombobulated and taken aback by the nonchalant answer, The Grand Duke asks him quizzically:*

"Why...how do you mean?

He doesn't know who she is!

Much less her household!"

"Why, it is simple!

He will go to every home,

In search for his bride."

"I thank you Father!

She will be with me shortly!"

Our Prince Charming shouts.

"Well then, it's settled!

Duke, you must help my son search!

This I implore you!"

Send the letters now.

My son is to get married

To his lost maiden."
*Our Prince Charming, ignoring all forms of etiquette and regulations required amidst the King's presence, runs up to his father and embraces him in a warm hug. A hug they haven't shared in quite a long time; the last memorable one being at his mother's funeral. Releasing from the embrace, Cinderella's prince-to-be dashes out of the room and runs to the stables to fetch his horse and prepares for the journey ahead of him. The Duke however, during the royal rekindling of the father and son thinks to himself and scoffs, saying under his breath:*

"I can't believe this!

Traveling to every home?!

What kind of kingdom?!"

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