Well... This is Going to Complicate Things

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It has been a month since my slip up with Andy the hot stranger from the bar. Since that month I've felt like complete and utter shit. Not to mention I'm throwing up all the damned time. I've got killer headaches. Oh let's not forget to mention I'm an emotional wreck. I was laying on the floor (a/n: dat picture doe!) in the bathroom contemplating if I really want to go to the doctors or not honestly no but my annoying ass friend says yes. "Let's go Desiree." "Noooo!" "Up now." "No!" "Desiree dammit get up!" "I refuse!" "I will drag your little white ass to the doctors." "Come at me bro." She glared at me and grabbed my ankle. "Let go!" "No!" "Get off me Monica!" " Get up then!" I huffed and gave up. No winning with this girl once she had her mind set. "Mhm that's what I thought." She smiled at me. "I hate you." I mumble as I pull myself off the floor. I look down at my Metallica shirt and ripped skinnies along with black vans. Good enough it's just the doctor.

I was sitting in the passenger seat staring out the window. "Hey Des." "Hmm?" "So about the Andy guy." I sigh and turn my head to look at her. "Stop. Moni I know you are worried and you want to look this guy up and all that shit, but I don't want to know about him. I could careless. He was just a one night stand. Not some guy that I'll be spending the rest of my life with. So whatever you know about him just keep it to yourself please. No more talk about Andy." With that said I turned around facing the window again and leaned against it just watching the scenery. I heard Monica release a long tired sounding breath. "Okay boo." She whispered probably thinking I was ignoring her. I closed my eyes deciding I would try and sleep before I threw up again.

"Desiree get up. We're here." Monica said and shook my shoulder. I peeled my eyes open. The harsh light from the sun made me shut my eyes tightly and dread opening them again. I slowly opened my eyes again this time keeping them open. I looked at the building in front of me and groaned. "Come on. The sooner we get through this is the sooner we can go home curl up on the couch while we eat oreos and watch Deadly Women." Monica said as she tried to coax me out of the car. Let me tell you. It worked. I undid my seatbelt and opened the car door. My feet hit the pavement as I stood up. I stifled a yawn and closed the door. I gave Monica the 'really bitch' look before walking into the building.

"Desiree Matthews?" A nurse in bright pink scrubs called my name. I stood up along with Monica and followed the lady to a room. She did all the nurse crap she was supposed to do such as: checking my weight, blood pressure, my heart rate and oxygen intake. Stupid shit like that. "Well Miss Matthews what's going on?" I sigh and look at Monica who gives me a nod. I turn back towards the nurse with a frown, "Well, I guess I haven't been feeling too great. I've been throwing up, I'm tired all the time, I've got bad headaches, I'm dizzy, I've been having really bad mood swings." "She pees a lot." Monica chimed in. I glare at her. The nurse cleared her throat which in turn brought my attention back to her.

"Are you sexually active?" Nurse Neon Pink asked. "I'm 22 of course I'm sexually active." I chuckle. The nurse nods and writes something down. "When was your last period?" "Two months ago. Why would-" I froze. That asshole. That charmingly gorgeous blue eyed asshole. "I'll have you take a test just to be safe but Miss Matthews it sounds like you have a bun in the oven." She smiled brightly at me. When she left the room Monica was in hysterics. "Your face is so priceless right now!" I looked over at her. "I'm pregnant..." "I knew you would be first ha! I told Mama but she said it was going to me. She owes me a twenty!" "I'm going to be a mom..." "She always thought you were careful!" "He impregnated me." As those words left my mouth Monica's laughter progressed.

Nurse Sunshine and rainbows came back in. "If you would kindly follow me." I stood up and walked out the door. Not without hitting Monica on the back of her head. She just laughed even more and pulled out her phone. I turned my attention back on the nurse who was going on and on about how much fun it is to be a mother. I should probably be listening right now. Oops. She lead me to a bathroom and handed me a cup. She's lucky I had to pee.

I opened the door and handed her the cup. She grabbed it with the hand that had a glove on. She brought me back to the room and told me to wait for my results. The results all of us knew. "Mama wants us to come over when we finish up here." Monica said as she put her phone away. I just stared at the wall. "Desiree!" I blinked. "Des! Dessy Bear!" I looked at her. "Did you hear me?" "Andy got my pregnant." "Oh! Talking about that skinny ass giant! Now that he knocked you up and all of that. You sure you don't want to know what I know about him?" She asked me. Did I honestly want to know? Not really bug at the same time yes. I looked at her. Dread filled me. I had a feeling I wasn't going to like what I heard. "Hit me." I told her.

"Andy Biersack. 24 years old and is the lead singer of a band called Black Veil Brides. You would probably like them if you weren't into the old classic rock stuff you listen to. Any ways that was beside the point. So he's on a world tour he lives in LA he won't get back till sometime next year. That isn't the best part. He may or may not have a girlfriend. I say may or may not because they're on a break. Something about her cheating on him or something like that." The information was just floating around in my mind.

All of a sudden the flood gates opened and my emotions did a total 180. My body shook as tears ran down my cheeks. "S-So basically what y-you're saying is," I stopped to try and breathe before continuing. "Is that I was just some little toy. Used to get over his slut of a girlfriend. Now I'm pregnant and this baby is going to have to grow up knowing it was a mistake!" I put my hands over my face and just sobbed into my hands. Monica was by me in a second. "No no no. Desiree listen to me. They aren't even together. Look we're going to find this asshole. You're going to tell him. Then you are going to raise this baby without him. Unless of course he decides he is madly in love with you and you two get married and live happily ever after. No? Okay." I was just staring at her with tears going down my cheeks. I saw tears start to fill up in Monica's eyes. "Don't cry." I said my voice cracking a little. "We're in this together. We'll get through this I promise. We'll find him." Monica told me. I smiled at her. The door opened and Nurse happy-go-lucky comes in. "Congratulations! You're a mom!" "No shit." I said bluntly.

We were back in the car and on the way to Monica's mom's house. The woman we raised me basically. I love her like a mother. "Well how are we going to break the news?" I ask her. She shrugs, "That's a good question. What about your classes? Your job?" Moni asks me. "I'll just switch to online. As for the shop? I can keep working there till I have to leave for maturity leave. Now Monica for the main question of the day. How are we going to contact Andy the rock star?" "Andy the rock star? Seriously?" she asks while glancing at me before looking back at the road. "Yeah." I said in a 'duh' type of voice. "Well I haven't thought that through actually. Ha... uh maybe contact him on Twitter? Facebook?" Silence. Sweet silence. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME! HERE I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO HAVE SOME ELABORATE PLAN BUT NOOOOOOO YOU WANT ME TO SLIDE IN HIS DM'S AND JUST BE LIKE oh hey Andy I'm that girl at the bar that made you work pretty damn hard before I let you fuck me. By the way in our drunken stupor you got me pregnant. Funny I know. IS THAT HOW I'M SUPPOSED TO DO IT!" "FIRST OFF DON'T YELL AT ME YOU PREGNANT BITCH! SECONDLY YES THAT'S HOW THIS SHIT IS GOING DOWN. UNLESS..... nah that wouldn't work. What the hell let's try it. Anyways... WE COULD ALWAYS CHASE HIM DOWN." "Did you seriously call me a pregnant bitch?" "Yes now get over it. Back to the important matter at hand. We can always drive to the next venue and try and talk to him." I looked at her with a blank expression. "How come I didn't think about that?" "'Cos I'm smart." She smiled at me. "Right says the girl who suggested Twitter and or Facebook." "That is besides that point!" She raised her hand up. "Just drive." I rolled my eyes and her but couldn't keep down the smile.

As we were driving to Mama's house I was thinking about what Monica said. It would be easier if we just drive to the next venue to try and talk to him. It's not like I want him to be around though. Don't get me wrong I would love it if he was but I don't want to pull him away from his "girlfriend", his band, his fans, and his family. He has a life. I don't want to just parade in there and fuck shit up. Not this time. I'm just going to tell Andy I'm pregnant and that he doesn't have to be around. He doesn't have to send money. I don't want to be dragged in the spotlight of fame. He can just forget about me and this baby. "Des we're here." Monica's voice pulled me from my thoughts. "Time to face the wrath of Mama." I mumble under my breath.

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