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Things to know:

(A/N: Author's Note)


(H/C) - Hair Color

You gently brought your hand down on your guitar strings, ending the song you were playing. Silence filled the air for a few seconds until applause erupted. You opened your eyes to see the small crowd that formed around you.

"Well I have to get going, thank you all for coming!" You stood up and bowed, walking away into the street.

You smiled at the people around you in the village. They all knew you, (Y/N) (L/N), the greatest guitar player in your village- some went as far to say you were the best in the world. You stared at the dark sky, the sun had just left your view.

"Excuse me, may I speak with you for a moment?" A deep voice spoke from behind you. The man was tall with short black hair, a few strands a bit longer in the front that framed his face. His red eyes stared into your (E/C) ones.

As he put his hand out, you slowly put yours in his. He flipped your hand over and put a few dollars into your hands, "I saw your performance, it was lovely." He gave a small smile.

You looked at him for a few seconds before quickly shaking your head. "I appreciate the compliment, but I don't do my performances for money and I'd hate for you to have to waste this on me!" Before you could hand the currency back he gently pushed your hand back.

"No, it's alright. I insist on giving someone with such talent the proper praise." He nodded as a goodbye and walked away.

You watched him as he walked away, then to the money. You smiled and shouted to him, "Thank you, sir!"

After making your way back home you were greeted by your mother. You spent the rest of the late hour with your mother, talking about your day and coming up with new songs.

Finally ready for bed, you wished your mother goodnight and went to your room. You set your guitar next to your bed and laid down. Slowly, your eyes closed, and you fell into a deep sleep.

~ ~ ~

"NO NO!"

You opened your eyes to see your mother being gripped up. She looked over at you as whoever was attacking her drew their hand back.

"Wake up, WAKE UP (Y/N)!"

The person swiftly jabbed their hand into your mother's chest.

~ ~ ~

You gasped for air as you woke up and heard bones crushing from outside your room. You threw the covers off and stumbled to the screen door. Opening it showed you the horrid scene of your mother being thrown to the ground, covered in blood.

"Get away from my mother!" You demanded and ran towards the figure. They disappeared as soon as they came.

Grunting and painful noises came from your mother. You quickly rushed to her side and checked her wound. 'It's deep...'

"(Y/N)-" Your mother's now hoarse voice spoke up. She covered her face and turned away. " must get out of here..."

You shook your head. "We have to get you to a doctor!"

"You don't understand..." Your mother uncovered the side of her face. It was a deep gray, with her eye now a complete maroon color. "Before I hurt you!"

She slashed at you, only cutting the top layer of your clothes. Jumping to her feet, she ran away faster than you've ever seen a human.

Still processing what happened, you pushed off the ground and ran after her. She was way in front of you, but she was still in your line of sight.

Getting to a clearing in the forest, your mother grabbed a paper from her pocket and smacked it on the ground. Suddenly, dust came flying all around her.

It caused you to stop running and shield your eyes. Once the dust cleared, you saw wisteria trees had grown around your mother.

"(Y/N), listen to me," Your mother coughed, "Don't come in here, it's dangerous."

You stomped your foot and came closer. "Mama, I can't just-"

"I'm a demon! I'll kill you if you get any closer! I don't have much time left!"

You stopped and your eyes widened, tears eventually came rolling down your cheeks. "...What? Then what can I do to turn you back?!"

She slowly shook her head, "There isn't a way, you must do something heartbreaking for me.." A few tears rolled down your mother's cheeks-

"You must slay me."

"No, I won't!" You clenched your fists, "I'll find a way to save you!"

"Become a demon slayer, come back, and end my life." Your mother continued, "I wouldn't want anyone else to besides you to do so."

So that's what you did, for 3 years you trained hard. You even made your own unique techniques, along with a breathing style. 3 long, hard years it was since your mother was turned. You regularly visited her, but all she would do is growl and hide from you. It didn't matter to you; you still knew that was your mother. Showing her your songs, the work you did, all for her.

Now, climbing up the stairs to the final selection, you put your hand out to touch the fields of wisteria trees in front of you.

You smiled, "I'll make her proud..." You made it to the top of the mountain and walked through the crowd. Leaning against a tree, you pulled out your guitar to check the strings.

"Good Evening." Two small girls stood side by side. One had white hair and the other had black, a lantern in their hands, "You've come to enter the Demon Slayer Corps' final selection. Thank you for being here." The two girls explained the situation, you have to survive 7 days trapped in the forest with demons.

'Alright,' You thought, 'Here it comes!'

"Let the final selection begin!"

The Music in my Heart | Various! Demon Slayer x NB readerWhere stories live. Discover now