Move Forward

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"Music Breathing: Fourth Form – Flat note."

The air streaming past Tanjiro's face had flowed into nothing. His shoes skidding against the metal, his heavy breathing, the flow of his blade, all deafened. This phenomenon startled the demon as well, causing him to glance around.

'What have you done now?' The demon mouthed, startling him yet again that his lips gave no noise.

The silence stretched for seconds, it felt like minutes for both sides of the fight.

The demon ducked his head to your slash, your blade grazing the stray hairs atop his head. The extra momentum you gained from dropping from below caused you to slide across the metal roof. You quickly rose to your feet once you were close enough to Tanjiro.

"(Y/N)!" The boy breathed a sigh of relief that he had his companion with him, and the sounds had returned to his ears. You gave him a nod to show you felt the same.

"What's this? You too are awake." The demon's voice was cool and sultry, and a small, surprised smile appeared on his lips. "Why are you awake? I thought I made dreams tailored to your every desire. What a shame." He admitted as his smile fell for a moment. The markings on his face you had seen from a distance were two lines of little green and yellow squares going from the top of his cheek to his jawline. Written in his blue eyes was 'Lower One' in kanji.

The demon gasped, his sharp fangs coming to display. "What good fortune! Like a moth to a flame, you both came right to me!" His arms went up in excitement. "Now I can receive an even greater share of Master Muzan's blood!"

Now you were certain Muzan was specifically after you both. When you first met Dr. Tamayo and Yushiro, two demons came looking for you on Muzan's orders. Now knowing about your mother's past, it made more sense for him to be after your abilities – or future abilities you might be able to unlock.

Tanjiro informed you that if the demon caused you to fall asleep once more, you would cut your neck in the dream world. You were surprised at the plan but trusted him enough to nod in acceptance.

You and Tanjiro fought to slice the demon's head off, getting close several times in the span of a few minutes. The only problem was his technique which continuously knocked you unconscious in the middle of the battle. Every time you got close enough, he would show off the back of his hand to reveal a mouth that shouted 'sleep!'.

It felt odd to use your weapon on yourself, however it woke you up in a matter of seconds every time. The dreams started back at your house in the mountains. Then it was down at the village. Then your mother in her wisteria cage back when she had turned into a demon. Voices echoed everywhere, scolding and yelling at you for all the wrong you had done.

You were just transported into the dream realm, a mural of blood and havoc displayed in the main room of your home. Your mother, battered and bruised, stood at the open sliding doors. "I can't believe you." She blurted out, "If I knew you would kill me on that day, I would have never kept you! You've ruined me! You ruined my body! Curse you!"

A quick slice to your neck brought you back to reality, but now you were angry. Before you could shout out your frustrations Tanjiro beat you to it.

"Don't put words in the mouths of my family! They would never say that!" He screamed and ran full force towards the enemy. "Your visions..."

You slid across the metal roof, planting your hand to change your directory behind him. As quickly as possible, you shouted in anger as you stabbed the demon right through his back and through his chest. You pointed your aim upwards so he could not easily slide off.

"They insult their memory!" The demon slayer nocked his sword on the demon's throat and sliced straight through with no resistance.

The head gave way with a splatter of blood. It tumbled and rolled across the roof with a trail of red, its body went limp. You pulled your sword out of his chest and let the body fall with a thud. A sigh of relief left your mouth, finally that nightmare was over. Tanjiro and you shared a pleased look with heavy breaths from the fighting.

The Music in my Heart | Various! Demon Slayer x NB readerWhere stories live. Discover now