Mount Natagumo

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You stared up at the big greeny mountain, listening for anything. You were interrupted from your investigation by Zenitsu.

"Everyone! We need to pause here!" The blonde boy was sitting on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest. "I'm scared! Now that we're nearing our destination I'm getting nervous! You can't tell me you're not getting creepy vibes from that mountain!"

You all turned to look again at the mountain, and you were finally able to hear people in the mountain. You sensed several demons and even more humans. You turned back to Zenitsu, "Well of course we are, but that doesn't mean we can just wait for something."

Before Zenitsu could respond, Tanjiro smelled the air and stared in the distance. He suddenly took off towards the mountain, Inosuke following close behind. Your hand extended to Zenitsu, who gladly took it and ran with you to your friends.

"Alright, let's go!" The two boys went off into the woods.

You quickly began running after until you slid your feet on the ground, turning back to see Zenitsu scared sitting down. You stared at him for a while and contemplated your next moves, "Zenitsu, I can't force you to go...Just be safe!" You stated and continued your mission with Tanjiro and Inosuke.

When you made it to the boys, Tanjiro signaled to you that they had noticed another demon slayer creeping around. Tanjiro came up behind the demon slayer, gently touching his shoulder and introducing himself.

"A Mizunoto?! They should've sent us a Hashira! No matter how many they send it won't be enough-!" The black-haired boy, Murata, was swiftly punched in the face by Inosuke and knocked back.

"The only thing I see that's not enough is the stuttering pool of sweat in front of me! What the hell is going on around here?!" He growled.

The now damaged slayer informed you of the situation, that the others he came with had begun killing each other. Suddenly, a rattling noise was heard nearby and the corp members started showing up. They all began charging at you, very slowly, and trying to slash you. The way they acted was not normal, most gave off the heartbeat of an unconscious person, while others had none.

"Threads, they're being controlled by threads! Cut them off!" Tanjiro instructed, giving you and Inosuke the incentive to slash near the other's backs. You were able to free them of the invisible threads, but they didn't last long before the threads were reattached, and the fighting started up again.

You spoke up, cutting off another round of puppet strings, "We need to find the demon who's controlling these people, then we can-" A foul sound came from above, feeling a horrible wave go through your body.

When you looked up, you saw a small demon standing on spider webs and giving off the allusion he was in midair. "I will not let you disturb my family's peaceful life..." He disdained; his heartbeat was one you couldn't forget. It was beating rather slow for a demon, but it gave off the vibe of a manipulative person. Not before long, and an attempted attack from your hot-headed boar friend, the spider demon walked off and vanished.

Inosuke soon got fed up and roughly stabbed his duel blades into the ground. He spread his arms out to each side and sat there, but it seemed like he was searching for something. He quickly stood up and pointed, "There! The demon's that way!"

You smiled in relief, "Great job Inosuke!"

The boar man stopped moving, his whole body calmed down at your praise. Though you couldn't see it, you were positive he was staring at you.

Murata quickly jumped in front of you, blocking you from a demon slayer puppet. He turned to you, "You guys should go on ahead! I'll find a way to hold them off for you, but you should help the people who are under even greater control!"

Tanjiro thanked the boy while you grabbed Inosuke, "Alright, time to go!" You wrapped an arm around the boy's middle, tugging him along as you ran.

After dealing with another round of puppet demon slayers, you made your way closer to the demon. Soon in front of your path was a big demon with golden blades as its hands.

"I'll hack it to pieces!" Inosuke declared and jumped high into the air. He wound his arms back to attack but was stopped and was pushed back by the demon. He began to panic, sweating and yelling, "It doesn't have a head! What do we do-What do we do?!"

You put your sword up, lining up to his shoulder and down to his waist from far away, "We need to cut him diagonally from his middle. It's a lot of space, but I think you can handle it Inosuke." You nodded.

"But that thing's in my way!"

Tanjiro crouched on the ground, leveling the wooden box on his back. The boar stepped on his back and cut the demon's blade arms off, allowing him to jump in the air. You quickly slid next to Tanjiro and used your 1st form technique to cut the demon's legs off. Inosuke was brought back down to the demon, getting the momentum to cut it down the middle.

You and Tanjiro stood up, excited that the demon was slain. Suddenly Inosuke threw his blades away and sprinted to Tanjiro. The boy threw him up in the air, sending him to another part of the forest.

"Inosuke! Why would you-" Your eyes widened, realizing he had thrown his friend towards a demon not too far away. "...That was pretty amazing!"

"Inosuke! let me help you!"

"Got off me! I'm fine!"

As Tanjiro walked back to you, he witnessed you and Inosuke rough-housing with each other. You had bandages in your hands and tried wrapping them on your friend's wounds. Being the stubborn boar he was, he refused and fought back.

Eventually, you gave up trying to bandage your wounded friend and continued through the mountain. You walked beside a river, slightly annoyed that's where you ended up. Running water seemed to mess with your hearing, especially since such a big river stopped you from hearing much else. For some odd reason, you were never really the person to like water.

"Inosuke? (Y/N)?" Tanjiro stopped and pointed into the woods, "I think I'm going to take that path instead."

You nodded and agreed to join him, "But what about you Inosuke? You're heading back down the mountain right?"

"Why would I do that?!"

"What about your wounds though?"

"Wounds? I ain't got no wounds, I'm fine!"

Tanjiro and you looked at each other, both your faces read 'Seriously?'.

"You're bloodied and beaten up!"

Before Inosuke could respond, a small demon stood on the other side of the river, watching your conversation. You all stood at attention and Inosuke quickly ran after the demon.

It wasn't long until another demon appeared over Inosuke, only it was bigger. He was called 'father' by the spider demon as he crashed down on the ground. "Don't you come near my family!!"

You grabbed your weapon along with Tanjiro. You both made it in the air and went to cut his arm off, but your attacks were useless, only resulting in your blades getting lodged in his arms.

He's strong...

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