Tsuzumi Mansion

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As you watched the boy squabble on the floor, a small sparrow came up to you in distress. You held your hand out and let it land. Tanjiro and you now watched the bird, trying to send you messages with its movements.

"...I understood none of that. Did you?" You whispered to Tanjiro. The boy nodded and began walking towards the commotion. Even though you had no clue what the bird said, you gently held it in your hands and went with Tanjiro.

While Tanjiro pried the boy off the woman, you came up to her. "Are you alright now, Ma'am?"

The woman smiled at you and bowed her head, her braids swaying with her. "No I'm fine now, thank you very much!"

"Don't get in the way! That girl's madly in love with-" The boy tried defending himself until the woman slapped him across the face. He spun and fell to the ground, a huge mark on his face now. She then continuously smacked him over the head.

You quickly got the woman away and held her back, "Miss, I don't think that's necessary-"

"When did I ever say anything resembling that I loved you?! I was just helping you off the side of the road!" She threateningly waved her hand around.

The blond's eyes widened in shock, "So you weren't doing that because you were in love with me?!"

"Considering I already have a fiancé, that's what I've been trying to tell you! You're perfectly fine now, so goodbye!" She got out of your grasp and turned for home, walking with anger in her step.

"W-wait, come back!" The demon slayer pleaded on the ground.

Tanjiro and you turned to the blonde, "Would you give it a rest?" Tanjiro sighed.

The boy cried out, "Why'd you have to get in the way, this had nothing to do with you!"

Your friend gave him a disgusted look, not uttering a word. You lightly smacked Tanjiro's arm with the back of your hand, "Don't look at him like that, it's rude." You scolded. "Are you alright? She slapped you pretty hard before, come here." You crouched down and hesitantly grabbed the abused boy's face, inspecting the slap mark. "Looks like that hurts..."

"You're that (S/G) from final selection!" The boy cried, holding onto your hands.

You titled your head, trying to remember. "Oh yeah! You were there!"

The boy's face lit up at your remembering him and it gave him the strength to jump in the air. You smiled and stood up, dusting yourself off. "You feeling better now?"

"Yes! Very much so!" He nodded furiously until he stopped and dropped back to the ground, "Well not really..."

"What's wrong?"

"During my next job, I'll likely die. The reason is I'm just a weakling!" He sobbed, crawling to you on his knees. He lightly pounded on your chest, "My name's Zenitsu Agatsuma, please save me!"

You lightly grabbed his shoulders, "If it makes you feel any better, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and this is Tanjiro Kamado." You tilted your head to Tanjiro.

"Aren't you being a bit dramatic?" Tanjiro crouched down next to you, "Why'd you even become a swordsman? You're acting pathetic right now!"

"Tanjiro!" You whispered-yelled, scolding him again. Zenitsu explained his situation, that he was conned by a woman and the person who took over the debt was a swordsman. The swordsman in return trained him for the debt he took off his shoulders. He began freaking out and started crying once more.

Sighing, you came up to Zenitsu and pet his head, "There, there..."

"Maybe I should just hang back for now..." Zenitsu pleaded as he walked through the forest with you, "I won't be able to do much."

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