Boar bares its fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps, (Y/N) sings

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"Hope you're ready! Because I'm coming through!" The boar man screamed and charged the demon. His plan was unsuccessful, and the demon rotated the room.

"(Y/N)!" Teruko yelped as she was forced to the ground by the boar's foot on her back. She extended her hand out as if trying to grab you.

You glared at the boar and quickly ran over, grabbing his ankle. "Don't step on her!" You demanded and threw him off her. Teruko went in your arms and held onto your haori and you dusted off her kimono.

"Why would you step on her? That's awfully rude of you!" You stood back up with the small girl cradled in your arms.

The boar laughed manically, "You've got spunk, I like that! Having a human send me flying, that's a first for me!" He suddenly came at you and swung his blades, but you were able to dodge. Tanjiro came beside you, ready to attack.

"This is foolish!" Tanjiro spoke up, "There's a demon right there!"

"You think I care?!" He charged at you again but was interrupted when three big gashes came between you. You stared at the slashes and realized one of the demon's drums caused the slash. As you watched the demon more, you got down the vague map of which drum did what.

"Tanjiro, hold Teruko for me." You handed the small child to Tanjiro and quickly headed for the demon. As he rotated the room, you were able to keep up and avoid the slashes. You were now upside down to the demon and jumped on the ceiling lights near your feet, then the furniture, and finally scaling the wall.

"You damn pests! Get out of my sight!" The drum demon snarled and pounded a drum when you got ready to slash him.

As you fell back, the boar demon slayer fell through a screen door, hitting his head on the floor. You tried to grab Tanjiro's hand, but you both missed each other, and you fell into the other compartment of the room. Suddenly, the room changed, and you collided with something hard.

You groaned and rubbed your head at the pain. Slowly, you turned around to see what had broken your fall. When you looked back, the boar mask was staring directly at you, heaving in anger. Your eyes widened and you moved away in embarrassment. "M-My apologies!"

3rd POV

The two demon slayers stared at each other in silence for a while. Eventually, (Y/N) broke the silence and cleared their throat, standing up and coming to the boar man. They hesitantly stuck their hand out, "Are you alri-"

"Fight me!!" Inosuke quickly jumped to his feet, stomping loudly.

(Y/N) sweatdropped, "Uh-I'm sorry, what?-"

"You heard me! Fight me! You're decently strong and I have to show off how great I am!"

The guitar user shook their head and stepped away. "No, we're on the same side! There's no benefit to you fighting me."

Inosuke growled and stomped his foot again, "You will fight me!" The boy hadn't seen anyone like them before, and he was fascinated by their strength, but that upset him even more. He pulled his arm back, holding his sword and ready to attack.

When he swung his sword at (Y/N), they were barely able to dodge but got past him. There was no point in fighting this boy, and (Y/N) needed to get back to Tanjiro, so they made a break for it.

"Hey! Get back here!" The demon slayer became infuriated and booked it down the hall after them, he was surprisingly fast.

"Would you stop following me?!"

"Not until you fight me!"

The (H/C) haired demon slayer came to an abrupt stop and the boar still ran towards them. He took the opportunity and raised his swords at them, but they ducked in time. Level with his middle, (Y/N) grabbed him and jumped back a few feet from the end of the hallway. Inosuke struggled in their grasp and wriggled around.

"You dodged that," A deep voice came around the corner; a demon. "You seem like a lively one!" The demon showed itself and was revealed to be a tall, light blue one with a horn on his head.

(Y/N) let go of the boy in their arms and quickly charged the demon.

He laughed at them, "You've got a lot of nerve charging me head-on-"

Before he could finish, he yelled in surprise as they pulled their sword from their guitar and sliced his legs in half.

"Revel in your own debt and serve as my catalyst!" Inosuke cheered and jumped on (Y/N)'s back. He used both his swords to cut the head off of the big demon. "Beast Breathing, Fang three, Devour!"

Inosuke jumped once more and pushed off the demon, knocking him over and letting him disintegrate. The boar man cheered again in victory. "Hell yeah!"

"Beast style..." (Y/N) pondered, "I've never heard that style before..."

"I'm self-taught!" He boasted and put his sword in his holsters, his hands on his hips in triumph.

(Y/N) stepped closer to him, "Really? How amazing, I actually am as well!" They gave a smile to the other demon slayer.

Inosuke lowered his arms and stared at (Y/N), a fuzzy feeling coming over him. He didn't know what it was, but their smile made him lower his guard, and he didn't want them to stop. He soon snapped out of it and grew angry like before, "What the hell are you doing to me?! It's pissing me off!"

The same issue returned, and Inosuke once again chased (Y/N). Suddenly, a drum sounded in the distance, and they were separated into different rooms. When the demon slayer looked forward, they saw the tall figure of the drum demon in front of them. (Y/N) pulled their sword out once more and ran at the demon, creating a cut in his leg.

"(Y/N)!" Tanjiro yelled to their partner, holding out his hand. The guitar user jumped out of the way of the drum demon, grabbing the red-haired boy's hand. They both jumped back and got ready to attack.

Your POV

Tanjiro pulled you away and to the other side of the room. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" He worried.

You nodded, "I'm fine, but that boar guy is quite...strange..." You shuddered at the recent memories, "But where's teruko?"

"She's safe with her brother, we can get them when we're done with this demon."

Then, you and Tanjiro began to battle against the drum demon. Sadly, you were unsuccessful in most attacks. Your second problem was your unhealed body still trying to fight its hardest to stay in the battle. The many wounds you had were severe, and the whole time you were with everyone, you were choking back the pain. Every time your broken ribs jabbed your lungs and your broken leg that refused to stay together.

"Tanjiro." You grasped your sword tightly, "I think...I think you should leave; I can deal with this demon."

"What? Why do you say that? You're in a lot of pain and you need help-"

You cut him off, "But you're in a lot of pain too, I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself even more. In addition, the power I want to use will affect you and I need total concentration when it's used."

Tanjiro questioned your request, he didn't want to leave your side. He knew you had more injuries than himself, but he nodded and agreed. "All right. But please be careful, (Y/N)."

"I will. Now go get those kids and find Zenitsu!" You nodded back and went your different ways.

After Tanjiro was out of the room, you pointed to the demon. "Hey, demon! What's your name?"

The drum demon was confused that you asked the question, yet he answered. "It's Kyogai."

"Kyogai, marks my words, you will not get that child! And I will take you down!" You declared.

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