Chapter 7

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<2 months later (I know it isn't like that)>
*Y/n POV*

I got the call last week that I was going to be on the national team. I flew from Seattle to the January practice spot. I got a taxi to the hotel and saw Jill in the lobby. "Hey Jill!" I said. "Hey Y/n! It is good to see you. Your sharing a room with Kelley. Its room 432." She said and hugged me. "Ok, whens the team meeting?" I asked. "Its at 5pm. People should start arriving soon." She said. "Ok. See you later." I said and went up to the room.

After a hour went by I heard the door open. "Y/n!" Kelley yelled and jumped on my back. "Kels!" I yelled back. She got off of my back and hugged me. "I missed you." She said. "You knew me for 2 days." I said. "Yeah so." She said and I laughed. "You are so weird." I said. "You love me." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Ok we have a few hours till 5 so do you want to do something?" I asked. "Sure. Do you want to go walk around mabey shop?" I asked. "Yeah. Who else is here?" I asked. "Everyone is here or will be here soon. I'll add you to the group chat." She said.

USWNT Group chat
*Y/n has been added to the USWNT Group chat*
Alex: Hey Y/n
Y/n: Hey. Me and Kelley are bored, any up to walking around?
Kelley: Yeah.
Y/n: You are right next to me I know.
Tobin: Sure
Christen: Kelley didn't we have to do that thing.
Kelley: Oh yeah. Tobin and Y/n just head out we will meet you guys later.
Tobin: Ok? Meet you in the lobby Y/n.

"I will see you in a bit Kels." I said. "We will meet up with you guys in like a half an hour." Kelley said. "Sounds good." I said and headed out to the lobby. I saw Tobin and we hugged each other. "Hey Tobinater." I said and smiled. "Oh yes the name, how could you forget." She said and I laughed. "You love it." I said and she smiled. "Come on." She said. We started walking around LA. "I have never been here so you are going to have to show me around." I said. "You have never been to LA?" She asked. "Nope." I said. "Ok." She said.

We ended up walking to the beach. "So what have you been up to?" She asked. "Nothing. I started an organization to help people in Africa." I said. "What! What do you guys do?" She asked. "Everything really. We get any supplies. We raise money for schools and try to get people there that are in need of medial help to an better hospital that can treat them they way that they need." I said. "Wow." She said with a shocked expression. "Your very suppried." I said. "Well who wouldn't be. That is amazing. Have you guys done so far?" She asked. "So far we have the headquarters in Seattle but it is only thought Washington that we are gathering supplies bit I would like to make it nation wide mabey even world wide but I am happy with what we got so far. We had so far got 15,000 pieces of supplies, food, and water. But it will definitely go up. And they school is a quarter way to its goal." I said. "That's amazing! I mean I never thought about doing something like that." She said.

"Thanks." I said. "Whats the organization called?" She asked. "The Angle Organization." I said. She was looking it up on her phone. "$5,000 raised for a school so far! And $10,000 for the medical transportation." She said. "Yeah." I said. "Y/n what you are doing is great." She said. "Thanks. So what have you been up to?" I asked. "Nothing as good as you." She said and I elbowed her. "Hey!" She said. "Come on. What have you been doing?" I asked. "Well over the holidays I saw my family but other than that nothing." She said.

We talked for a while but than relized it was 4:30pm so we went back to the hotel. "Why didn't you guys come an hang out with us?" I asked Alex and Kelley. "We asked you guys but you guys never responded. We were starting to get worried." Alex said. "No you didnt." Tobin said. We both looked at our phones and there were alot of missed calls and texts. "Yeah they did. Sorry, we didn't even relize." I said. "Its fine, where were you guys?" Kelley asked. "We walked along the beach." I said. We all sat down in the seats and Jill started the meeting.

She gave a big long speech. "And a big welcome to Y/n Hough." She said. The team clapped. "Ok you guys are free to do what ever you guys want. Y/n can I talk to you?" Jill said. I went over to her and everyone else headed to dinner. "Whats up?" I asked. "I know about your scars and I know they don't effect your health. But I am here to talk if you need anything." She said. "Thanks but I can't talk about it without getting a panic attack." I said. "I know. If you ever get one you can contact me if you are ever in the hospital for it." She said. "Thanks. You dont know how much that means to me really." I said. "Your welcome. Now go to dinner." She said. I smiled and went off to dinner.

I grabbed my food an sat next to Kelley. "What was that all about." She asked. "Nothing." I said. "Come on." Shd said. "Its nothing really." I said. "So you dating anyone?" Ash asked. "Wow really." I said. "Stop dodging the question." Ash said. "No. I don't have the time." I said. "Who doesn't have the time to date?" Pinoe said. "Me." I said. "When was the last time you went on a date?" Ali asked. "I am not answering that." I said. "Y/n." Kelley said. "A while ago." I said. "How much is a while ago?" Christen asked. "4 years." I said. "4 years!" They all said. "I don't think the whole block heard you guys, you want to say it louder." I said. "Why haven't you gone on a date?" Ash asked. "Because I don't have the time." I said. "That is Bullshit." Kelley said. "I really don't. Trust me. No one wants to date me." I said. "Again Bullshit. Do you like anyone?" Kelley said.

*Haliee is calling* "Saved by the bell." I said and answered the phone.
"Hey there." Her
"Whats up?" You
"Hey so we have reached enough money to build one school!" Her
"Your lieing." You
"No. I am being serious! We can build a school!" Her
"Oh my god this is amazing! You have the call them to tell them and than we can start building. This is amazing tell everyone I am proud of them for me please." You
"Will do. We are going to be celebrating. Wish you were with us." Her
"I wish I was too. How did we get to the goal?" You
"Someone anonymous donators. Do you know who?" Her
"I think I do. Well go celebrate." You
"Bye Y/n." Her
"Bye." I said and hung up.

I put my plate away and went to find Tobin. I see her about to go into her room and I run up to her. I hugged her. We were in her room. "Thank you." I said. "Why?" She asked. I couldn't see that she was lieing. "You know why." I said. "Your welcome." She said. "You really didn't have to do that." I said. "I didn't do all of it. My family and some old friends pitched in." She said. "Well tell your family I said thanks." I said. "I will. So you really haven't been on a date in 4 years?" She asked. "Yeah I haven't." I said. "Can I ask why?" She asked. "I guess I couldn't handle a relationship after everything." I said. "If you ever need to talk I am here." She said. "I know. Opening up to people is not something I am good at." I said. "When you do I am here. I always will be." She said and smiled. I looked into her beautiful eyes and before it we were leaning in. I heard people behind the door and stepped away.

"Hey Y/n and Tobin." Alex said. "Hey." We said. "So what was that call about?" Kelley asked. "Umm I should probably tell everyone about it. Are they still eating?" I asked. "I think. Whats going on?" Alex asked. I texted everyone to meet in the dinner area. I looked over at Tobin and her eyes were at the ground. "Its better if I tell you guys all at the same time. Its nothing bad I promise." I said. They gave me a questioning look but agreed. I looked back at Tobin and when she looked at me I looked away. We went to the dinning area.

•Authors note•
Sorry I haven't updated in a while but here is a long chapter. Hope you enjoy and have a fantastic day.

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