Chapter 20

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*Y/n POV*

I got back to the hotel. I saw everyone was talking out on the deck and I went up to them. "Y/n! This place is amazing. We missed you a lot." Emily said with a smile. "I missed you guys too. Did you guys go up the stairs?" I asked. They all nodded and then we all just got talking on random topic. I zoned out on their conversations. I felt someones hand play with mine. I looked over and it was Christen. I could tell she was nervous because she didn't have the light in her eyes that I normal see. I let her play with my hand well I just zoned out again. 

I felt Christen grab on to my hand as hard as she could causing me to zone back in. I looked over to her with worry. Everyone else was talking about some other things. I looked around for a cause but I couldn't see one. I could feel her pulse rising. I took her to a private area and held on to her. She started to get her breathing back to normal. "Chris. Are you ok?" I asked. "I see him every step. Everywhere I look I just want to be done with it. I want to run and never look back." She said with tears running down her cheeks. I cupped her cheeks. "Hey. It will get better. I know it will because you are a strong women." I said with a small smile. "I am just tired." She said. Her voice was shaky.  "I know. I know." I repeated pulling her into a hug. 

I texted everyone to tell them to just have fun around the island. I picked up Christen bridal style and went to our room. I set her down on the bed and laid down next to her. She snuggled into my chest. I could feel our heart beats matching. I didn't fall asleep, I just liked the warmth of her body on mine. "Y/n. You have been tourchered right?" She asked. It was a weird question. "Yeah. Why?" I asked confused. "How did you get through it?" She asked. Our eyes met. "I knew I had people that cared about me so I fought for them. And when those people died they would want me to keep on fighting so I did." I said. That seemed to ease her mind a bit. "It takes time to realize that but I want you to keep on going. If you don't have anyone to fight for, fight for me." I said. She nuzzled her head back into my chest. "I will." She said softly.

We stayed like this for a while, not talking just enjoying eachothers company. I started to get hungry. "Chris do you want to get something to eat?" I asked. "Yes." She said. We both got up and out of the hotel. We walked to the restaurant across the street from the hotel. We got a table and started talking. We didn't know each other too well before so she talked me everything. I made a few jokes to get her to smile and she did. Her smile was so perfect. We ordered our food and continued to talk. Our hands accidentally brushed against one another trying to grab another bread stick. There was something that I'd never felt with Tobin or Kaliee. It was like I was nervous, happy, and anxious all wrapped into one. I quickly moved my hand away when I realized we were holding hands. I blushed and rubbed the back of my neck. 

We both continued to talk about random things that we could think about. I paid for dinner and we headed back to the hotel. We both got into our PJ's and cuddled in bed. We turned on some romantic movie. "What's the point of these romantic movies? To manifest what you can't have." I said and Christen giggled. "No I am serious. And I can tell who is getting together in the first minute." I said and she giggled again. "You can have this kind of love and they make these because people like watching them, I can't tell you why but we all love a good romantic movie." She said. I laughed at what she said. "Oh come on. You look like a goddess and you have the best personality I have seen. I am sorry for my language but hell I would date you." She said and I forze. 'Date me? God I would date you.' "You would?" She asked. The muscles in my body tensed. "I- I said that outloud." I stuttered and she nodded. I blushed and try to hide my face in my neck. "Do you like me Y/n?" she asked. I looked at her in complete shock. "I-uh umm-" I got cut off by my phone ring. "Saved by the bell." I muttered under my breath. 

It was Kaliee. I got up and went to the hall way.            

"Hey." Her

"Hey. How's it going?" Me 

She told me all about what has happened on the trip and I did the same. Even though she wasn't my Fiance, she was still my person(If you get this reference, you are amazing).

"So you like her." Her

"I don't know, maybe. I felt something that I didn't feel with you or Tobin but I am not quite sure what it means." Me

"You were always bad with feelings. But if you like her go for it. If she hurts you I will kill you." Her

"Ok Kaliee. Talk to you later. Tell Nathaniel I love him for me." Me

"You got it. Bye." She said and hung up. I headed back in the room to see Christen asleep on my bed. I got into her bed and fell asleep too.

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