Chapter 16

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*Y/n POV*

I woke up at my usual time 5am. I rub Emily's back making sure I don't wake her up. I keep on doing this until it is 6am. "Hey crazy it is time to get up." I said. She buried her face deeper in my chest. "Can I vent to you?" I asked. Her eyes opened and looked at me. "Yes! I am yeah, sure." She said. "That got you up." I said and got her off of me. She groaned and I grabbed my training gear. I got changed in the bathroom and Emily changed outside. We both headed down to breakfast. We grabbed our food and people slowly came on after us. Christen gave me a glare and I rolled my eyes. "Why is there a guitar in here?" Emily asked. "Ooo." I said. I got up and grabbed the guitar. I started playing random things. "You play?" Ash asked. "Yeah. Any song requests?" I asked. "You pick." Allie said. I started playing 'Ophelia' and singing it.

Once I finished they all clapped. I set it down and started eating. "Since when did you start singing?" Alex asked. "I always have. Do you want me to keep on singing?" I asked. "Sure!" Moe said. I eat my breakfast quickly and picked up the guitar. I played and sang 'Little Dancer'.

I sang a few songs to their requests. "Why haven't you sang before? You are amazing!" Kelley said. "I never felt the need to. I don't really sing on command, I just do it randomly. I will be back." I said as I got a call from Kaliee. I answered the phone.
"Mama!!!!!" Nathaniel
"Hey Bubba. You are always up to early." Me
"He doesn't like sleeping." Kaliee
"Hey Kalis. What are you guys up to today?" Me
"Zoo!" Nathaniel
"It is going to be an eventful day." Kaliee
"Ok bye mama. I go play with toys." Nathaniel
"Bye." Me
"So how has it been going with you?" Kaliee
I explained to her about everything that went on yesterday.
"Y/n I hate to say this but your going to fast. You still have to process a lot of trauma. No more feelings right now. You an I both know what I am saying is true. I want you to pick yourself. Not some stupid people that like you. Handle yourself first. Be happy Y/n. And being happy does not mean you have to be with someone." Her
"Your one of the stupid people." Me
"You understand what I mean." Her
"Yeah. Your right." Me.
"I always am. Talk to you later Y/n." She said and hung up the phone.

I shighed and headed back in the room. Once I got in there I saw my dad. I blinked a few times and she dissappeared. I felt a panic attack come on. This one was so fast I only got to the door before all I could see were memories. I sat down against a wall.

*flashback* "Hey Y/n. You have to be strong for me. I know this is going to be so hard on you but know I love you, more than anything." Dad said. "No no you can't die. I lost mom, I can't lose you too." I said. "I am so sorry." He said. They put gasoline all over him. "I love you Dad, to the moon and back." I said. "I love you more babygirl. You will be fine, not now but at one point you will be." He said and tears were falling from each of our faces. One of the guys men lit a match and threw it on my father. He yelled in pain. They had taped my eye lids open and someone was holding on to my forcing me to watch. Yelled and begged for them to help him. "Y/n!" I heard someone yell. ●END OF TW●

I saw my team all huddled over me. "Hey. Breathe with us Y/n. In... out... in... out." I did as Emily said. I finally got my breathing under control and my heart rate went back to normal. "Are you ok?" Tobin asked. "Yeah. Just a panic attack." I said as Kelley and Emily helped me up. "You never told me you had them." Tobin said. "Its not something I tell people. Plus that was the first one I had in a while." I said. "Ha I knew. But next time don't scare the living daylights out of me when you have one of those." Emily said. I told her I had them just in case I needed someone on the team to help me.

"Wait she knew- you knew!" Kelley said. "Of course I knew. But her personal stuff I none of our business." Emily said. "Em you are mature, I am so proud." I said. "Shut it." She said. "Are you sure your ok Y/n." Julie asked. "Yeah. Trust me, that wasn't even the worst one I have had." I said. "Why do you have them?" Kelley asked and Alex smacked her arm. "Life's a bitch." I said. "Let's get on the bus guys." Jill said coming in the room. I was going to tell Tobin after the practice. We got on the bus, me and Emily sang songs very loudly. It was a long practice and it was dragging on a lot. We finally finished and I layed on the grass.

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