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San felt truly happy for the first time in his whole existence.

Even though there's still very few opportunities that Wooyoung and San could meet outside the usual school environment, mainly due to Cupid laws, they made it work. They spent time at either San or Wooyoung's houses.

On this specific cool Autumn afternoon the pair was relaxing in the woods surrounding Wooyoung's house.the large secluded property was perfect for the pair. A place where San didn't have to hide his wings, and neither of them had to hide their love for one another.

"I just wish we didn't have to hide. I mean I understand why, don't get me wrong. But I also want to hold your hand in public, hug and kiss you whenever, be all sappy and couple-y." Wooyoung vented, pouting up at San cutely.

"I understand love, trust me I do. But my bosses will undoubtedly have my memory erased and your soul destroyed." San sighed, gently running his fingers through Wooyoung's hair. They were both seated on the grassy floor, Wooyoung mostly lying on top of San. The lack of people meant that San's wings shrouded them both, lightly curling around San's arms to almost shield Wooyoung.

Not because San thought there was danger, but because he felt most happy protecting the human who taught him how to love.

"Damn, that seems a little harsh." Wooyoung said, eyes closed as splotchy shadows danced over his features.

San chuckled. "Maybe, but Angel culture is surprisingly merciless." A silence enveloped them after that, comfortable and somehow safe. San was growing confident, and he could admit that, but he also knew that if his bosses or coworkers were to ever discover San and Wooyoung's relationship that he had aces up his sleeve. He knew he'd be underestimated. Which would undoubtedly put him at the advantage.

And the fight would be more than worth it to keep Wooyoung by his side.

"What'cha thinking 'bout?" Wooyoung finally spoke up, opening a single eye to peer at San.


"Oh? In what way?" Now Wooyoung paid more attention, both eyes open wide with curiousity.

"Just about how lucky I am that you completely ruined my attempts to set you up with Changbin." San joked, glad when Wooyoung's pitched laugh drifted through the air.

"Yeah. I mean if you'd told me about two months ago that I'd given up a chance with Seo Changbin for a volleyball player who actually wasn't a thick-skulled asswipe I wouldn't have believed you at all. But you have a talent for surprising me, Sannie." It didn't take long for San to lean down, pecking Wooyoung's lips lightly.

"I'm glad you think I'm smart now, at least."

"I wouldn't go that far." Wooyoung joked, earning a small slap on the arm from San.

"Why do I like you again?" San sighed, glad when Wooyoung immediately took the bait.

The human huffed grumpily. "Because I'm adorable, and funny." San giggled as he kissed Wooyoung once again, this time on the forehead.

"Actually, I don't think I do like you." San's tone took a sudden change to absolute sincerity. And immediately after the words left his mouth, Wooyoung's previously bright eyes clouded with worry.

"W-what do you mean?" Wooyoung seemed almost scared of the answer.

Yet San could only smile softly. His knuckles came up to brush hair away from Wooyoung's face delicately.

"I love you."

The admission evidently left Wooyoung speechless.

That is, before a huge grin overtook Wooyoung's features, sitting up abruptly and pulling San into a passionate kiss.

"I love you too. So much more than you could ever know." Wooyoung whispered once they pulled away from the kiss, foreheads still pressed together.

"I'll protect you, always and forever. I promise." San kissed Wooyoung for only a moment imas a way to seal the promise between them forever.

Yoongi walked into Namjoon's office with a grave expression.

"It's true, isn't it?" Namjoon sighed, not overly surprised when Yoongi nodded. "Who was responsible for this investigation?"

A rather young angel walked into Namjoon's office. He had brown hair and a rather short stature, looking nervous when faced with such powerful angels.

"Huang Renjun. What have you found?" Namjoon tapped his fingers impatiently against his desk. The young Cupid gulped, shifting from foot to foot and clearly trying to calm his nerves.

"Well I discovered that the Cupid Choi San seemed to have romantic attractions to a human, who I later confirmed him to be in a relationship with." Renjun spoke quickly yet with a startling air of confidence.

"Thank you for your work. What was the human's identification code?" Yoongi spoke up, already having a pen and paper in hand. All human souls were given an identification code as soon as their existence begins. This is to help the Purgatory Guard, who can simply look up a human's code to judge their quality of life in terms of Heaven or Hell. These codes were also used by Reapers to identify who their next job will be.

And, of course, tracking down the lovers of rogue angels.

"See, that was the strangest part. This identification code doesn't exist in any of our records." Renjun explained, eyebrows set into a light frown. "I went through all of our documents just to make sure."

A strange sort of worry filled both Yoongi and Namjoon's expressions.

"What was the code?" Yoongi asked once again, this time his tone taking on a sharp edge that served to only make poor young intern Renjun more skittish.


Both older angels went suddenly pale.

"We need to act immediately." Namjoon decided, giving Yoongi a pointed look as the assistant rushed away to draw up a plan of action.

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