Twenty Two

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It took San a second to realise that time wasn't frozen in the same way as when you were afraid and it slowed events down for you. He glanced to the guards behind him, gently pulling away from their grasp and standing shakily. Yeosang also seemed to be able to move. His expression was clouded with confusion, San's most likely mirroring this.

"Yeosang... was this you?" Seonghwa asked, taking his boyfriend's hand. So that was three of them...

"Sannie?" Wooyoung carefully backed away from the blade at his throat, stumbling over his to San once he was safely freed. No one else showed even the slightest signs of movement, meaning it was just the four of them.

"This wasn't me. I'm not this powerful." Yeosang held Seonghwa close behind him, magic swirling around his arms as Yeosang took up a defensive stance. San, even though relieved Wooyoung was alright, followed Yeosang's actions and shielded Wooyoung.

"I win! My angel definitely said it first." A rather smooth, calming voice echoed through the air. San couldn't see the source, yet it wasn't long before a glowing figure appeared in a puff of heavenly magic. He was slightly taller than San, with brown hair and kind features. He wore a clean black suit.

"Are you deaf!? My demon clearly said it first!" Another voice called out, a second figure appearing from inky black sludge that began to bubble from the ground. He was taller than the other, with sandy blonde hair and round glasses. In complete contrast to the other, he wore ripped jeans and a black hoodie.

"I'm so lost..." Yeosang muttered, drawing the attention of both figures to them.

"Who said 'I love you' first?" The first stranger asked, walking closer to them.

Yeosang frowned, glancing at San for a moment before turning back to the strangers. "We said it at the same time."

"Are you kidding me!?" The second stranger yelled, running his hands down his face in frustration. "We waited centuries for a draw!"

"What is going on!? Who are you!? Why are you being weird!?" Wooyoung panicked, clinging to San.

"Oh my, how rude of us." The first placed a hand over his heart. "I'm God, but I usually go by Young K."

"Oh shut the fuck up your name's Brian. And I'm the devil, but I prefer Jae." The second, Jae, spoke nonchalantly.

"Never thought the devil would look like chicken little." Seonghwa joked, seemingly without thinking. Jae glared lightly at Seonghwa while Brian laughed hysterically.

"Who are you to talk? Angry bird headass bitch." Jae grumbled. Yeosang gently put a hand on Seonghwa's shoulder.

"Please don't pick a fight with Satan, Hwa." He mumbled, pouting cutely at Seonghwa.

"What's going on?" San asked. Brian snapped his fingers, summoning a table for them all to sit at.

Once they were all seated Brian sighed. "In truth, Jae and I had a bet going."

"See, sometimes good people wind up in Hell, and bad people in Heaven. We aren't allowed to just swap 'em out, it's against our ancient, bullshit rules. So we place bets. On random shit most of the time. But then we got bored, so we devised a new, more interesting bet." Jae grinned deviously, causing Brian to roll his eyes and smack Jae's arm.

"We bet on who would fall in love first. An angel, or a demon." Brian looked slightly guilty. "In all honesty we didn't really think about you two, more about the thrill of such a gamble. We both picked out our contender. I chose you, San, because you were always more in-tune with your emotions than your peers."

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