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Word count: 1109 (not including this)

"Do you still hate me Tōru?" Ushijima asked.

Oikawa stood silent for a moment, before he sassily responded, "Well, I guess I don't hate you for now." Ushijima smiled at this and took Oikawa's hands. "Hm, I think those crazy girls have left. We can leave now Tōru." The two of them walked out, and snuck outside the school. Oikawa felt so relieved. Finally he could take a breather. "Mmm, it feels amazing when you're not locked in a tiny closet to avoid being killed by girls."

Ushijima laughed and ruffled Oikawa's hair. "You should probably head back to Aoba Johsai, you have classes too." Oikawa smiled at Ushijima, before giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Bye Wakatoshi~" Oikawa chirped, leaving a beet red Ushijima standing in front of the school.

"Wakatoshi-kun!" A voice yelled. "Oh, hello there Tendou, how are you?" Ushijima replied, turning to face Tendou. Tendou smirked at Ushijima and wiggled his eyebrows, "So~ who's your soulmate, miracle boy~" Ushijima replied, "Oikawa, surprisingly." Tendou gasped. "You two look nice together actually, I never thought that his day would come- and where were you Ushijima? I spent forever trying to find you!"

"Oh-h. Tōru and I were running and hiding from girls." Ushijima sheepishly replied. Tendou laughed at this, "Ahaha! Ushijima what did you do for girls to come after you and your soulmate?" "Oikawa snuck into the school and pretended to be a student. Some girls recognized him, presumably his fan girls." Tendou couldn't stop laughing hysterically, it made him wheeze at the thought of Ushijima and Oikawa running away from girls.

"Hm, well Wakatoshi-Kun. We have classes now! How about we go together? We have classes together after all!" Ushijima nodded and the two Shiratorizawa students headed back in.


'Holy mother of pearl. I'M GOING TO BE LATE! No no no no!' Oikawa practically flew over to Aoba Johsai Highschool. He had around five minutes until classes would start and he had to get his books! The brunette dashed through the school, grabbing his books, cursing a few times, and accidentally bumping into people.



"Oikawa-San. Why are you late?" Oikawa's teacher asked sternly. Oikawa nervously rubbed the back of his neck before answering. "I-I had to meet my soulmate for a few minutes. I deeply apologize for being late, I won't let it happen again sir!" Oikawa bowed, and the teacher chuckled before letting the boy go to his seat. As a couple other breathless students ran into class, the teacher began the lesson.

"Ok class today we will be learning about..."


"Oikawa. Oikawa! TŌRU OIKAWA!" Oikawa sprang up, "W-what happened, are those crazy girls back, am I going to die, am I in heaven, huh-" Oikawa shrank back into his seat as he met the teacher's gaze. "Oikawa-San, please, could you possibly answer the question I've asked you?" Oikawa shuffled nervously in his seat, before standing up and saying, "Of course sir! What is the question?" in a joyful, and enthusiastic tone. The teacher pointed at the board and gave Oikawa a piece of chalk.

Oikawa stared at the board, trying to figure out the question. "Hm, ok, and I'm done!"

The teacher gaped at the teen. He had thought he'd finally got Oikawa Tōru, but apparently the boy was smarter than he anticipated. "Oh. Good job Tōru, you may go back to your seat." Oikawa smirked and casually made his way back to his seat, happy he'd beaten the teacher at his own game.


"Ok. Class, you may leave..." the teacher looked like he was about to pass out from the brain damage he had been given by these high schoolers. He didn't think teaching students simple calculus was going to drain the life out of him, but it did, and he regretted ever signing up for it.

Oikawa walked through the halls, girls squealing whenever he passes them. Oikawa loved the attention he got, but he remembered that his heart was already with another.

"Oikawa-Kun~ Would you date me~ I mean, you still haven't gotten your soulmate string yet, right?" A girl asked, grinning. Oikawa laughed nervously before breaking the news to the girls, "Ah, I'm sorry Sakura-Chan, but I already have a soulmate~" Girls around Oikawa gasped. "O-oh. I'm sorry Senpai! If I may ask, who is she?" Sakura asked. Oikawa smirked, "Well, that's for you to find out, and for me to know my sweet Sakura-Chan~" and dashed towards the cafeteria.

"Eugh. Girls. We are going to find out who that girl is. And once we do, you all know what to do." Sakura fumed. She had loved Oikawa since the beginning of time. She showered him with milk bread and compliments, hoping to get Oikawa's love. The girls around her loved Oikawa too, and none of them were happy to hear that their dear senpai had a soulmate already. Little did they know that a certain farmer was Oikawa's soulmate.


"Iwa-Chan~" Oikawa chirped as he crashed into Iwaizumi and his soulmate. "Hello, Iwaizumi's girlfriend~" Iwa-Chan's girlfriend laughed at Oikawa's child like behavior, "Oikawa-San, call me Yui!" Oikawa smiled, "Ok, nice to meet you Yui, I'm sorry I wasn't the friendliest at first, I was having trouble with my soulmate." Yui gladly accepted the apology. "Ahem. Shittykawa you have your own soulmate, don't steal mine or I'll kick your ass." Oikawa shivered at Iwaizumi's words, "Jeez Iwa-Chan you're so cold, and chill, I'm just apologizing to your girlfriend~"

"Tch. Shittykawa just go get your lunch." Iwaizumi said as he rolled his eyes. "Humph. Fine Iwa-Chan. You're so mean to me today." Oikawa sniffled, pretending to wipe his tears away.


Lunch, in Oikawa's sole opinion, was heaven. Minus the fan girls that surrounded him, but they did give him milk bread, so Oikawa didn't mind. As soon as Oikawa sat down, Iwaizumi and Yui fled the scene, knowing fangirls would drown them if they stayed.

"Oikawa senpai, who is your soulmate~"

"Oikawa senpai do you still love us?"

"Senpai I have milk bread for you!"

"Girls, girls, calm down! You're all amazing, and I appreciate you all, but I do have a soulmate." Oikawa said, feeling a tad bit awkward. All girls around him began to frown and pout, asking him who his soulmate was again. Oikawa sighed, "Well, if you come to my next volleyball match, you might see~" before he stood up and left.


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