Chapter Eight

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She ran through the streets, pushing past people and ignoring the protests called after her. With a hand clapped on her hat to prevent it from coming loose, she arrived at the townhouse much quicker than it had taken her previously. Breathlessly, she pushed open the door and called for Margaret.

"Margaret!" She bent over slightly, her chest heaving in time with her breaths. "Margaret! I am in need of your help!"

Margaret emerged from the doors of the sitting room with a concerned look on her face. Henry followed closely behind her. When he saw Adelaide in her male clothes, he glared quite disapprovingly.

Holding tight to her newfound bravery, Adelaide glared right back at him. She liked kind Henry, thoughtful Henry, funny Henry. The one she had met as Abe and talked to in their letters. This Henry did nothing but glare at her.

"What is it, Adelaide? What's the matter, darling?"

"There's a boy," She managed to get out in between gasps of breath. "He is very injured, a cut on his leg, and I could not carry him back here by myself."

"Oh dear, Henry, you will go with Adelaide to fetch this boy and bring him here. I will go and summon the doctor!"

Margaret swept out of the room and started a torrent of preparation to prepare for the boy's arrival.

Adelaide turned and hurried towards the door, Henry right behind her. They raced down the same streets that Adelaide had traversed mere minutes ago. She led him down the twisting paths and alleys that she had taken.

"Damnit Miss Fairfax, have you no common sense?" Henry yelled as they made their way through the dark and dank alleys.

"You can yell at me later, Henry!"

They reached the boy and Adelaide knelt down beside him.

"Hello? Boy?" She shook him gently and his eyelashes flicked slightly.

Henry carefully slid his arm under the boy's injured leg and around his shoulders.

They returned to the townhouse as quickly as they could without jostling his leg any further than necessary. A carriage, which Adelaide hoped had brought a doctor, was sitting outside the townhouse.

Adelaide opened the door to allow Henry to pass through with the boy still in his arms.

Margaret hurried into the front hall when she heard them come in.

"Into the guest room, darling! The doctor is waiting for him there."

Adelaide followed Henry into the guest room where the doctor was waiting with his black case resting beside him. She watched with hands clenched to a painful degree as the doctor loosened her coat from around the boy's leg. Thankfully, the wound didn't look worse after carrying him home. The doctor poured a clear liquid over the wound that seemed to wound the boy further. He tensed and writhed upon the bed. Adelaide started forward in protest when Henry stopped her with a gentle hand on her arm.

"It's alright, he's just cleaning the wound, Miss Fairfax."

His use of her proper name reminded her that she was still in her male clothes.

"I must go wash up, Lord Devonshire."

He nodded absently, his gaze still intent upon the boy. His hand was still loosely curled around her arm until she pulled away and he glanced towards her. Blinking as if to clear his vision, he cleared his throat.

"Yes, of course, Miss Fairfax."

She performed a small curtsey, as ridiculous as it felt in pants and a shirt. Then, she left the room.

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