Chapter XVII: Peek-A-Boo

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• Peek-A-Boo


As crazy as she had become,
she wanted to play a game, a childish game.
Sometimes, it made me questioned about her age.
A game as childish as that...
Wouldn't only a one-year-old want to play it?

Shu's pov:
"Shu san! There's a blanket! I'll grab it for us!"
The girl got of the bed and happily ran to the opposite of the bed, where the blanket located.

I stared at her blankly.
... Ah, I actually questioned myself why I would even interfere with a deranged person like her. She was absolutely not in her own mind.

"Shu san! Shu san! I grabbed it! I grabbed it!"
She was hype, she was laughing.


Would it be because of the drugs...?
But even drugs shouldn't have made a person felt like she was a child.

Why would I care anyways? It didn't matter to me even if she was using such methods to make herself high...

But somehow, I felt that something was wrong.
The other day, I told her as long as she didn't die from taking drugs, it would be fine for me. But...

"Shu... san?" A fragile hand patted my shoulder for a number of times until I looked at her.

"Shu san... are you alright? You are spacing out. Do you... do you not want to play with me...?" She put down the blankets on the bed and looked down idly.

She looked depressed at a sudden.
"I'm sorry." She coldly said as her expression changed drastically. She was laughing just a second ago...

She wasn't smiling. She wasn't showing any expressions on her face. She looked...


She said again as her tears were falling down one by one calmly, on the blanket she was holding tightly.

"Sorry for... making you play with me, a trash like me... A drug addict like me. Hahaha... You should sleep, Shu san. You must be tired. I- I will play with myself." She then slightly curved her lips up again as she looked back at me.

"Goodnight Sh-"

"Wait. I.. I didn't say I wouldn't play with you."
I grabbed her hand abruptly and sighed.

"O-oh..." she suddenly smiled at me with her eyes closed. It was a true smile. It shocked me for a minute. Her true smile. I would say... it wasn't too bad.
Seeing her delighted expression, I couldn't help but smile as well. I didn't know why, but my lips acted on their own, making me smile.

As I smiled, she smiled even more happily.
Then, she slowly hugged me with her warm body.

"Shu san, thank you."

"Let's start playing then hehehehe!" She held the blankets in her hands tightly as she giggled again.

"You just have to lie on the bed and face towards my direction. I'll use the blanket to cover my face, then I'll say Peek-A-Boo. I'm sure it'll be fun when I see Shu san is here whenever I open my eyes! Ahahaha! It'll be fun! It'll be fun!!!"

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