Chapter XXIV: Depressed

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• Depressed •

I should leave you so that you can be happy.


It was a cold, yet a beautiful night.

Despite my wet, sticky hair, my drenched clothes, I had regained my composure eventually.

I was tired from crying. It was hilarious to even say this, I still couldn't believe I cried after all.

I wanted to return to bed this instant. It was tiresome to even run a bath. I wouldn't mind sleeping with my drenched clothes. Well, I had never minded such things.

As I was walking idly back to the mansion, I saw a small figure, it was shivering near a trash bin.

I thought it must have been a stray cat or a stray dog.
I sighed and kept walking towards the direction that led to the mansion.

However, as I walked pass the small figure, I smelt a familiar scent. Immediately, I teleported next to the figure with panic, looking down at the figure.

I could smell her scent.

'Is this... her?'
I questioned myself doubtfully, as I couldn't believe it. The appearance didn't look like her at all... However, I could smell her scent. It was so strong after all.

I kneeled down and wanted to take a good look of the person. Yes, I could see it wasn't a stray cat or a dog, it was a person indeed.

It was her.

Her whole body was trembling terribly, her head shaking as if she was some sort of weirdo. Her hands were shivering too.

'Wait. Th-this... isn't her, right? This wouldn't be. Sh- she, she doesn't look like this...'
I tried to deny all the possibly that this shivering figure in front of me was the person I was crying for just a while ago.


This person was indeed, the person I had been searching for in the last month. It was her indeed.

I became speechless as I was observing her.

The view was... terrifying.

I looked at her face and I gasped of what I was looking at.

Her slender, weak body moved a little while still shaking as she seemed to sense my presence.

Instead of speaking, the small figure simply turned away from me, trying to hide her face.

But I already saw it. I saw her face.

I widened my eyes as I looked at her "eyes".

They were empty.

Black empty eye sockets.

If it wasn't because of her scent, I couldn't even have recognized her. Her lips were swollen and bruised badly, her whole body shivering constantly, making me felt terrified of the possible things that she could have done in that one month.

The drugs?

These two things went across in my mind as I was observing the small figure with shock.

The drugs were making her shivering like this.
Just, how much did she take?
To be trembling like this... What?

I gritted my teeth and tears were starting to fall down again as my gaze returned to her... "eyes".

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