Chapter VII: Drugs

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• Drugs •


'Drugs excite the parts of the brain that make you feel good. But after you take a drug for a while, the feel-good parts of your brain get used to it. Then you need to take more of the drug to get the same good feeling. Soon, your brain and body must have the drug to just feel normal. You feel sick, awful, anxious, and irritable without the drug. You no longer have the good feelings that you had when you first used the drug.'

Waking up, the girl cleaned herself as it still had a little bit of blood left on her body. Without really thinking much, she dressed up in a one piece blue dress with light make up, she wanted to look pretty. She just wanted to find some relief, so she headed to a bar.

She was smiling all the way as she walked past the people around her in the bar. Smiling, like a doll. Her dull eyes didn't really show a lot of emotions, she looked like a smiling doll.

"What would you like to drink, Miss?"
A waiter asked while looking at her sweetly as she sat in front of the drinking bar. She lifted her head up slowly and observed the person who was speaking to her.
A fine man was in her sight, smiling gently at her. He looked like a 'normal' happy person.

How could she be involved with 'normal' happy people when she was an abused one? Wouldn't she just drag them into hell with her negativity? Nothing good would happen if they were to be involved with the abused ones. Like the girl.
Which was why, she didn't really want to involve around people. She was planning to die soon anyway, wasn't she?

"I guess I'd like to have something which involves alcohol... Is it called wine? Or Whiskey...? Uh..."
"I see! It's your first time to drink alcohol, am I right, Miss?" The waiter giggled a bit with his closed-eye smile.
"Well, I'll give you something for free as you have never drunk alcohol before! Leave it to me!" He gave a wink to the girl as he prepared the drink.

Despite the lack of emotions from her eyes, her smile was pretty.
Feeling tired, she unconsciously touched her own scars from her right wrist and quietly moaned, "Ah..."
The need of wanting to hurt herself was coming again. She wanted to do it, to cut that skin, to feel that pain, to feel that pleasure, to feel that happiness.

"Here is your drink!" She was distracted as the waiter put a bluish drink in front of her. "I'm sure you'll love it! I deliberately chose blue because it matches your dress well, I love your dress."

"Oh... Thank you." She gave him a pretty smile. Then, she looked at the beautiful drink in front of her and widened her eyes a little.

That blue...
The blue which she fell in love with.
The blue which she could never forget.
The blue which she had been wanting to see.

His eyes, his royal blue eyes.
That was all she could think about.

She was giving a sad smile to the drink while spacing out. She could think of nothing else but those pretty eyes full of depression and the lack of motivation.
She sighed and closed her eyes for a few seconds.

"Are you alright, Miss...? Or do you not like the drink? I can give you another one if you don't like it." The waiter asked with confusion as the girl hadn't drunk it yet.

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