Chapter XI: My World Is Monotone

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・• My World Is Monotone •・


My world is a place full of monotone.
But I want it to be colorful, or I should say,
I want to see that it is colorful.

(The girl's pov:)
The bright sun hit my face and woke me up. I carefully opened my eyes, trying to avoid the intense sunlight. I tried to move a little but I found my back hurt. A hard surface was behind me.
The tree trunk.

When I tried to move my head, something was tickling my neck, it was soft and somehow... it gave off a comfortable scent?
A patch of blonde.

Realization hit me when I remembered I was sleeping beside him. My head slowly turned towards his direction and I found myself resting my head on top of his.

He was still sleeping, peacefully.

I smiled unconsciously as I slowly moved his hair strands out of my face and I looked down, his head was resting in the nape of my neck and it was still tickling my neck.

'So I'm still in his world...? Oh, how nice.
I wish this could last longer.'

'Shu... Shu...'

As if this was the only word I knew, my head couldn't help but kept saying his name.
Well of course. Because I didn't care any other things except this vampire. It was only natural to have his name rewinding in my head all the time.

I took a deep breath.
'After a few hours, or probably a few minutes later, I'm sure I'll return to my own world again.'
I thought as I sighed, I felt a tint of pain in my heart and my eyes started to become teary.

'Why... why won't he just kill me now? Why does he have to spend some time with me first? Not that I don't like it... I want him to hurt me and give me the pain too. It's just that, I want to die... right now.
I really want to...'
I thought as I closed my eyes.

'I know this can't last forever.
A few minutes later, I'll be back in my dimension.
There's no way I can be happy when he isn't there.
Since when have I become so reliant on him?
Maybe it is because of the vow that we promised to each other. Only he can grant my wish and make me happy again- My death.
I'll be free and happy after my death, I'll forget all the things I remember in this life, I'll disappear, I'll lose my soul.
Death... I really want it so badly.
Guess I'll just have to wait for a bit, right?'

I moved my shoulder a little and moved his head gently back to its original position. I then sat in front of him and observed his sleeping face which was full of peacefulness.
'He resembles an angel...'
I guess that was a bit ironic to have such thoughts knowing that he was a devilish vampire.
But to me, 'he really... does look like one.'

I smiled at him with happiness as I had the thoughts of him being an angel.
With happiness.
'Oh, do I feel happy...?'
I wondered as I put my hands over my faintly beating heart.
I guess my heart felt happy.
But why...? Would it be that by... looking at him?
I felt happy by looking at Shu's sleeping face...? Eh?

Although I thought it didn't really make sense, that was what my heart told me.

As I observed him longer, my cheeks became hotter and hotter. I... I was embarrassed for some reason.

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