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My alarm when off, screaming at me to wake up. I slammed my hand on my alarm, slowly turning on my side to go back to sleep, then.. 

"(Y/N)! GET UP! YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL HON!" My mother yelled from downstairs. Do I really want to go to school now?

I mean, being the new kid and all isn't the best. But at last it's the beginning of the year.

I slowly got up out of my soft bed, the bright sun coming up and hitting my eyes from my window, which was across the room.

I moved my body up then went to my closet, I just grabbed whatever what was in front of me and changed into my clothing.

I then went to the bathroom, and did my hair. Then brushed my teeth. I then run down stairs, yelling at my mom that I'm off to school, and will be back before curfew which was 11pm.


i then hop on my bike and started riding to school. I have anxiety about this, I'm kinda scared to see new people. What if they hate me?

My thoughts continue as I got to the school. I put my bike down where the other bikes were, but there weren't many, guess most kids just walk, take the bus or get dropped off.

As my thought started wondering off and my heart beating faster, I opened the main door to the school. No one looked at me, I don't even think no one cared to look at me.

Okay okay, off to a good start..

I thought to myself, making my way to my locker, trying not to piss a kid off. If i just keep to myself then I won't get hurt. Right?

I made it to my locker but it wasn't anything special. Just books and stuff. I grabbed what I needed then closed my locker. i turned to see all the people i would be stuck with for the rest of the year.

I don't want to do this. What if I don't make any friends? The only reason why I had friends back at (H/T) was because of my cousin.

Let's just say, she was the cute, poplar girl, and I was the weird, loser in the back. She wasn't like the other popular kids. She was nice to me.

Sure I only had her and two others friends. I was usually alone half the time so worked for me.

As I zone back into the real world and noticed that the hall way was empty. Then the last bell rang. Oh shit. I'm late. I started to run down the hallway, trying to find my class.

your first day of school and your late? Wow, way to make a good impression. i cursed at myself as i looked for my class, that i eventually found.

Okay okay, calm down (Y/N). I know your late and i know when you walk in everyone is going to look at you and probably judge you. fuck, thoughts are no help.

I pulled myself together and opened the door, only to see everyone look at me as the door creaked open. "Oh, you must be the new student. Come up here and introduce yourself." The teacher said.

just my luck. i hate it when people stare at me. I walked up to the front of the class and looked around. all eyes were on me. yay.

LOVER BOY, richie tozier x reader Where stories live. Discover now