Chapter 9 - I Saved Them

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We all looked up at The Well House, hesitant to walk in. "This better be the last fucking time I walk down this path." I spoke, being the first one to walk in.

"We are all hoping it is." Beverly said, walking behind me.

"Don't worry, it will." Mikes voice followed behind Beverly.

As we all entered the house, we go near the well. With Ben putting a rope down to make sure it's sturdy, we all went down one at a time, me going first.

"Ewww." Beverly whined out. "See we know, it fucking stinks in here." I told her.

After a bit, we come face to face with IT. Not knowing what to do, Eddie then goes in. Thinking he hurt the creature.

He started to yell, "GUYS LOOK! I DID IT! RICHIE, Y/N, BILL! I DID I-" he was then cut off by the creature stabbing him in the chest from the back, of what seems to be a claw.

"AHHH!" "NO!" "EDDIE!" Screams came from left and right.

I then shook my head, looking at Eddie, yelling, "GUYS LOOK! I DID IT!" he seemed so happy.

Fuck. "EDDIE MOVE NOW!" I yelled, he seemed puddle but then moved, when he did the claw missed him by a few feet.

"HOLD SHIT, Y/N HOW DID- HOW DID YOU?!" Mike and Ben both yelled. I was confused myself but yelled, "NO TIME!"

Feeling my body move on it's own, I run up to Eddie and help him up, "COME ON EDDS GET UP FASTER!" I screamed at him, that thing was near us, moving closer.

After a bit of fighting for our fucking lives, there was to many close calls, Richie almost getting caught up, Mike almost died and so did Ben, but I saved them all, by seeing it happen before it actually dose.

We were yelling and screaming at the thing that it was small, and tiny, and a nobody. IT started to shrink.

Then the top of where we were started to fall, Mike started to yell, "OKAY LETS GO! COME ON!" We started to run and climb.

Running out of The Well House, we all turned back to see it collapse. "Holy shit.." Eddie spoke.


As we were all walking to the quarry, Beverly spoke up, "Do you think.. Do you think ITS dead now?"

"It better fucking be." I spoke, "I'll rip my dick off before I kill that thing a 3rd fUCKING TIME." Richie said, getting louder at the end of his sentence.

With the Losers Club laughing, I realized how much I missed everybody. Even Richie.

We were walking down into the forest, going over to the cliff of where we jumped off as kids, it was blocked off.

We all started to undress and go over the little gate that blocked it off. One by one of us all jumping off the cliff.

In the water we all splashed around smiling and laughing, then we all started to stop slowly as our smiles faded.

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