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After school, I made my way to the front of the school as fast as I could. i mean yeah, I was excited to see Richie but I was also excited to have friends.

As I got to the front of the school, I see Richie, waiting there with a worried look on his face. "Hey Rich!" I yelled, running up to him.

"(Y/N)! I thought you wouldn't come.." He seemed sad. "I'm sorry! The teacher told me to stay back so he could show me about some type of project." I reassured him.

"I see you have your bike as well." He told me. "Your bike is pretty cool!" He told me once again. My bike was black, with the inside of the wheels red.

"You really think so? It's cool I guess?" We started to ride our bikes to the arcade, laughing and mess around the whole time.


We had finally made it to the arcade and threw our bikes down and ran into the arcade. "Okay what do you want to play first?" He asked.

"Um, Street Fighter?" hopefully he likes that game, it's the only game I'm really good at. "Did I hear that right? You want to play Street Fighter?" He asked and I nodded.

"I freaking love you." He told me as he dragged me to the game. He said he loves me? You're over thinking (Y/N). he is just excited or just joking. He doesn't actually like you.

Did I just say that? Oh shit.. i better not mess this up. "Sorry, I didn't mean to say that..um."

"Oh no, your okay. If it help, I love you too." She giggled. God that was so perfect.

Everything about her is perfect, and she said she lOVES ME TOO! I'm winning! I'll have her and Bill will have to find his own Juliet. I mean, right when (Y/N) walked in the class she just stood out.

"So, do you even know how to play Street Fighter or are you just trying to impress me. It's okay love, I'll teach you." I teased her.

"Oh please honey, I rather do much more then try to impress you." She told me.

I put my hand over my heart dramatically, and said "That's so mean (Y/N). Why you no like me?" She giggled, as I smiled. I've never felt this way before.


she beat me like 8 times now. "(Y/N), how the fuck are you so good?" I looked at my screen, in defeat for the 8th time.

"I guess it's just practice. I mean, at this rate a dog can do better then you." She told me. "Okay now that's just mean." I has laughed while saying it.

I don't know what it is, but she's definitely doing something to me. "Do you know what time it is?" She asked me. i looked at my watch, "Uh, It's almost 10."

"DAMN, we've been playing that long?" She laughed. "Yeah I guess we have." I told her.

"Well, it was fun, but I need to get home." She told me, I frowned. I wanted to spend more time with her but yet I don't want her to get into trouble.

"Okay, do you want me to take you home?" I suggested as we both walked outside. "Nah, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure (Y/N)? It's dark." I was scared for the girl. Though I just met her doesn't mean that i can't be worried for her.

"Richie, I can take care of myself. Maybe do you want to go to school tomorrow? Uh.. together?" My heart started to pound. "Um, hell yeah! Do you want to meet at my house?"

"Yeah, sure! But I've gotta go." I told her my address.
"Okay, I'll be there around 6:30. You better be ready or I'm leaving you." She laughed.

"I'll try." i smiled. "heh, I'll see you tomorrow. Love ya!" She told me. "I-I love you too.." god I'm starting to sound like Bill.

But now I get to go to school with her. I thought about this all the way to my house. As I threw my bike down and greeted my mom.

I went to my room. As soon as I closed my door, I had a feeling. A bad pit feeling in my stomach.

What the fuck? It felt like my stomach was turning inside out. I must be sick. I'll take some medicine before I head to bed.

I shook my head and went to go take a shower, thinking of me and (Y/N).  NO NOT LIKE THAT YA CREEP!!

I don't think this girl knows what she's doing to me. I know I only met her today but holy shit.

Maybe this is just me over reacting but, I think she likes me too. I mean, she said she loves me. That's something, right?

My thoughts continued as I got dressed. I mean maybe I should just tell her. Tell her how I feel tomorrow.

Yeah, I'll do that. I got out of the bathroom and yelled at my mom that I was going to bed. "OKAY GOODNIGHT HONEY!" She yelled back at me from her room. I went to the kitchen quickly to get some medicine for my stomach.

I then go to my room and closed my door. I laid down in my bed. Trying to get comfortable, my thoughts couldn't stop thinking about (Y/N).

All I did was think about her. The thought of her, next to me. In MY bed, made me fall asleep.

But that pit feeling in my stomach never went away. It's still there. But why..?

I felt the sun in my eyes, my eyes shot open as I realized I'm supposed to meet (Y/N) outside. I looked at the time, 6:57am. SHIT.

I got dressed quickly and ran outside of my house. "Where are you go-" I cut my mom off. "Going to school love you bye!!" I closed the door.

she's not there. Okay she went to school already. Man. I really wanted to go with her. I got on my bike and started to head to school, but there was barely anyone on the street?

I shake my head and just continue, but then I pass signs. Must be nothing. I continue till I seen more and more signs. Okay what the fuck is going on? I stopped my bike and looked at one of the signs.

It wasn't a sign. It was a missing paper person. My heart dropped when I seen it, "W-what.." I whispered under my breath..

"(Y/N) (L/N).."

She's not gone, nope she's, she's not gone. She's not gone. She's not. No. I felt warm tears go down my face as I looked closer.

"Last seen was yesterday, around 10-11pm." I read. "The time we left the arcade.." The tears came down faster. It's my fault. If I just walked her home.. if I was just with her.. She wouldn't be gone.

LOVER BOY, richie tozier x reader Where stories live. Discover now